Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Advice on how to improve my running times and technique!?

Looking for advice on how to build up my running.

Done a LOT of research, subscriber to a running mag, been running a lot recently.

But I just can't seem to be able to run longer than 3 mins at a time! I run out of breath and it hurts to keep breathing!

My legs and feet feel as though they could go on forever however!

I could eat a little healthier, this is true, but I am a size 8/10 (size 6/8 US I think.) BMI all fine. Sleep well. Active and healthy.

Should I eat before running, how long before, and what kind of food?

Should I train my body, 2 mins run, 2 mins fast walk?

Help please! I wanna be able to start running properly every day.

xAdvice on how to improve my running times and technique!?
Set yourself to a time run as long as you can run slowly, even if it is as slow as you walk keep running its all mental. you just have to overcome your mental block. don't run right after you eat, run either before or 2 hours after it will make you lighter and you will be able to run faster.

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