Saturday, July 31, 2010

I need help how to patent my idea,I dont want to pay to middle men,I just need an advice?

There are a lot of misconceptions out there about patents and the process. You do NOT need a working model to patent an invention. (I used to work for the patent office.) The requirements for a patent are explained on the patent office site. See They have sections on the basics of patent law and the requirements for a patent. They also have a nice searchable database where you can see if your idea has been previously patented. This should be your first step because many ideas have been patented even if they are not in commercial use. In other words, just because you don't see it on the market doesn't mean it hasn't been patented. If you decide to proceed with a patent, you need a good written description of your invention, usually with drawings and good ';claims';. Claims define the difference between your invention and what has been done before (known as the ';prior art';) The process is complicated so get a lawyer if possible. The USPTO website has a listing of all patent attorneys. Costs vary depending on the lawyer. $4,000 is on the low side and top firms can charge $20,000 or more. Good luck.I need help how to patent my idea,I dont want to pay to middle men,I just need an advice?
First of all, you can't patent an idea - you need a working model of an invention for it to be patentable.

Getting a patent is a complex process, and would be unlikely without working with a patent attorney. Nobody here can give you all the steps you'd need to take.

Read more at the US patent and trademark office website need help how to patent my idea,I dont want to pay to middle men,I just need an advice?
Well youre going to end up paying someone. Either to register your patent, or getting a blue print done of ur idea.


My friend is in the process of getting a patent. I assist her in getting a lawyer to go over all the legal stuff, because there is a lot. You might want to check this out first!
Get your info or documents from - very nice site. See to it that you have a working model to register the patent. No use to register an idea. Will be rejected.
Contact Tony Bright at

He's an inventor who has had an invention go to market and now helps other people.

Any advice on how to grab a guy's attention?

Touch him in a flirting manner, and you will have all the attention you could ever want if you do it subtely again and again over several weeks. He will eventually piece together the puzzle...Any advice on how to grab a guy's attention?
Talk to him.Any advice on how to grab a guy's attention?
walk over to him and grab him and then kiss him! then you walk away! how about that? it will get his attention i tell you that!
Confidence, if you are confident you will grab everyones attention.
two words: eye contact!
Smile and wave

Just be yourself and he will notice you one day.

Need advice on how to help me cope with my children disowning me because of lies told by the father.?

I call, write, e-mail them but still no response! I have even gone to see them. They have no contact with me. I didn't get to go to my daughters wedding and I found out on Memorial Day past she had a baby and I the grandmother didn't even know my daughter was pregnant! It is about to destroy me with grief! I have pleaded with them to let me be apart of their lives and listen to my side of the story, but no, their father had been poisioning them against me for years. I didn't even realize it! I was sick with a disabaling disease, he didn't love me anymore because of it and wanted out of the marriage. He said he would make the kids hate me and he did just that. I don't know what else to do? They don't have any contact with any member of my family, even their grandmother. It has been 7 yrs since the divorce and my children are 24 and 21 now. I have missed so much but not by my choice! Please help if you have any advice! I miss them so and will love them always!!!!!Need advice on how to help me cope with my children disowning me because of lies told by the father.?
its heart wrenching i know i having the same problem with my 2 daughters.. (same age) they've said awful unkind hurtful things.. but i did tell my side of things and still they refuse to believe me....after my divorce i moved back to be near grandchildren but Ive been shut out i will consider moving away again since i find the pain too unbearable.....their father is controlling bastard i cant change the end i feel this will haunt them if they let it continue...they will use so much energy being mad at me their relationships with others will be affected..I'm not completely blameless but i have moved on and will move away....I was wrong to return.. i know that now.. they have chosen to behave like this i will get on with my life if they want to see me they know how to find me... Ive backed off i miss them also but i wont let that ruin my life as i know it will ruin theirs over time.Need advice on how to help me cope with my children disowning me because of lies told by the father.?
Your welcome.. its a pity our children cannot behave like adults but they have high expectations i suppose and we disappoint them sometimes .such is life Good luck.

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ive added u to my contacts hope u dont object perhaps we can chat sometime and support each other with our common problem....

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Sounds like to me you have done EVERYTHING that you can.All you can do now is back off but keep a listed phone number and hope and pray they come around.My heart breaks for you as a mother of 2 I can only imagen the pain you are going throu.Good luck! and have faith.
Just apologize for whatever they said you did. Was the disabling disease something like you were hooked on smack?
all u can do is keep trying they hopefully will eventualy listen to u just show them that none of it is true thats all u can do so good luck with it
The best thing to do is to be apart of their live as you have been and I know how much you want to tell your side of the story but that will only make things worse trust me. I been there and now watching my step kids go through it with there mom only she is the one attacking the father and me. it my take alot of time but just keep send ing letters and calling and what ever you do try not to tell your side I know this is very hard but that is what he wants you to do. that will just drive them away farther invite them to a family get to gether and just keep trying it will take time though be storng he my have told them something that you don't know such as he would hurt them or anything. Just keep loving them that is all you can do. I'm very sorry and hope things work out.
They're adults now and choosing not to have any contact with you. You're going to have to accept it. You cannot be completely innocent.
The father has obviously done a lot of damage. Your kids arent children anymore....they are adults and they should be old enough to realise that there are always two sides to every story. Instead of begging and pleading maybe get a little bit angry....its your ex who has done the damage to your children, not you, so you dont have any need to beg. Email them or even ring them and tell them you are sick of the bullshiit. You are sick of being blamed for something that their father has fabricated. Tell them they are old enough to stop acting like little children and you need to meet with them to tell them your side of the story. Make them be adults about them on it. Challenge their capabilities to think like adults. Honestly, they are very capable to understand two sides to a just have to find a way to meet with them personally because they may not even read your emails. Do you have any friends who your kids talk to? Maybe ask your friend to take the same tactics as you....tell your friend to tell your kids that they are being childish and they are making up their minds based entirely on falshoods. Consistency is the key, dont give up. Ring them up on a regular basis telling them their father is a liar and they need the truth. Keep it short and sweet...make them hear you out. Surely their curiosity will get the better of them sooner or later and maybe with your persistence they may just need to hear the truth from your lips.

I wish you luck
email them your side of the story. even if they don't answer you back, they know that you're their mother, and deep in their hearts, they love you. they will read your email, other wise, mail a letter to her husband or friend to give it to your kids. Good luck! I hope they will listen to you!

I'd like to break all ten commandments in a single action. Any advice about how to do this?

Okay, I am thinking you would start your typical “break every commandment in a day” day by:

Praying to the FSM on YA and after a few hours of that you decide to sculpt your image and worship it, but alas you hear something outside… god dammit (for literary purposes) now you have to go investigate, it is Sunday you are home loafing off who would bother you today? It is your Mom and Dad…Jeez. You hop over the fence cause those people are the LAST people you want to see and there is your sexy neighbors wife sunbathing naked. You both decide to indulge in these fantasies you have been harboring for months. You are locked in a passionate embrace when her husband comes home and catches you. You push her away inadvertently knocking her in the head and killing her… what to do? The authorities come and you point the finger squarely at her husband who is carted off to jail.

Hmmmm 8 down 2 more to go,

So, to conclude you move your family into their house because that jerk of a neighbor always had a better yard and you take all the change he left on the dresser.

Life is good!I'd like to break all ten commandments in a single action. Any advice about how to do this?
what a stupid answer I thought u said SINGLE ACTION

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I'd like to break all ten commandments in a single action. Any advice about how to do this?
C'mon over to my den, and I'll show you...
I'm guessing suicide would break the most Commandments.
You just did. Don't you know anything?
I like Lucky Fokker's answer, but it must be a stolen idol, and you must lie about it afterward.
Do as Moses did... just write them on something, and then destroy it with one dramatic crash. If carving them in stone is not an option...

Get a sharpie, write the commandments in a single white dinner plate, put some goggles on and with a single action of your sledge-hammer, your dammed plate and all ten commandments should be broken.
wow what a cool question im going to think and then get back 2 u

Murder your neighbors wife with an idol while swearing at your parents on a Sunday?
Go to your neighbors house on Sunday dressed up like Ba'al.

Bring a clay statue of Ganesh that you made earlier in the day

When his wife answers the door, yell out ';God damn, you look hot, I really want to ';know'; you, like I wanted to ';know'; my mother the %!@%#...

When you get into the house, ';know'; her then grab a candlestick from her table and take her out, leave the house (with the candlestick) and call the police and tell them her husband did it...

How's that
when you break one you break all
Do as Muhammad did, ask WWMD?
Yeah...... Don't!!

but if you must ALL ten commandments are summed up in two

';Love the Lord your God with all your mind, heart, soul and strength; and the second is like it Love your neighbor as yourself'; so I would say do the oppisite. Hate God and hate everone including yourself.

go to yahoo answers

create an account

call it jim darwin

err, wait, this has already been done, so ahh,

Hmm..riding a nuclear weapon into a nunnery, full of orphens, while cheating on your wife with a greedy, lustful male..whos a slob, so hes asleep..that might get most of them
I think you just did. Even by thinking about it.
Get down on your knees on a sunday and say a prayer to a statue of Loki asking him to help you get your neighbors wife and house by declaring your parents incompetent and using their money, finishing the prayer with ';In Jesus' Name, Amen.';
Give yourself to the Lord instead. I can suggest a single action for that.

Bless you
  • eye makeup tips
  • How do i find out info to get out of theft charges i need free legal advice?

    I owned a business in wi the job was never finished due to winter .They then hired another person in the spring instead of calling me back. without even telling me(even though we had a contract to complete the job with no finish date. now they want to charge me with theft in a business setting as a felony.Even though i have documentation of where every dollar went. The only reason This is still going is because they will not give me credit for any of the work i 've done. Even though the other company said all of the work i had done was good and completed. Please help if you canHow do i find out info to get out of theft charges i need free legal advice?
    OK, here's free legal advice: get an attorney. Nothing anyone can tell you on here with that limited amount of information will help you one iota. You need a face to face with a local attorney.How do i find out info to get out of theft charges i need free legal advice?
    If you have a signed contract, get an attorney!
    this is going to be narrowed down to the very fine print in the contract. It is going to resort to if there was a breach of contract or not. You say there was no deadline date... But when the weather cleared did you immediately attempt to complete the job? Just make sure you go over the fine print with a fine tooth comb.
    Here are two free ways to get out of the theft charge:

    1) Confess to a rape and murder. They'll forget all about the theft.

    2) Die - like Kenneth Lay just did (or else he disappeared to Rio).
    'Stop breaking the law, asshole!!'

    - Jim Carey ';Liar Liar';
    being you had a contract i would hire a lawyer if you can't afford one contact legal aid
    take them to court and sue for what your owed!!! you have the proof

    Any advice on how to get my gf back?

    I was going out with this girl for nearly 3 years, when 2 days ago she ended it saying she didn`t care about the relationship anymore and that she was bored...yet she still says she loves me, yesterday i spent the day with her though and we watched a film and went to the gym...and had our ';last kiss'; according to her...yet today, we are going out for a couple of hours to have a couple of drinks with some friends, any advice? whatsoever, i want her back so much, its unbearable, i love her =[Any advice on how to get my gf back?
    Personally id just except that shes left you and there's not much you can do.

    But it sounds like you really love this girl. She said shes bored right? Then do something to woo her! Do something completely spontaneous. Do things that are going to make her heart jump. Little things like sneaking up behind her and kissing her is simple, but will keep her excited.

    Instead of taking her for drinks, bring her somewhere exciting.

    Because that's the good thing about relationships. When you don't know whats going to happen next.

    So today take her outside on her own and say something really nice, but totally out of the blue.Any advice on how to get my gf back?
    Be brave and hardhearted STOP going places with her, and she will end up doing 1 of 2 things either (1) completely stop seeing, calling and arranging or trying to arrange things with you and messing with your head OR (2) realise that she DOES love and care about you and can't get along without you and come back.

    BUT in order for the above to happen you need to totally avoid her for a couple of weeks and let her know that you still care but cannot handle things the way they are at present with her.

    Hope she realises that she misses you.


    PS You Gotta Be Really Strong And Do This Or She Will Carry On Like This Till Your Head Is Totally Screwed!
    well if you really want her back, then try to surprise her and doing something which isn't 'boring' for her in the relationship and see what she is missing out on. even if it doesn't work, at the end of the day at least its worth a try, you could try and get her back :)

    if not, just move on or stay single for a while and start dating again, if she feels like that then is she really the right person to be with?
    Wow love really does suck huh?

    Well I'm really sorry to hear your heartbroken however as the streets always say

    ';There's plenty more fish in the sea';

    I would recommend not getting back together with her, I know this will hurt, however you have to 'move on'.

    Try and spend a little less time with her and go out more with mates! Become more outgoing and im sure that you will find a girl just perfect for you! :D


    what she said pretty much says its over...

    She doesnt want you back.

    And her hanging round with you is'nt going to help you atall...

    I think maybe you should just let go..

    Coz if you love someone...let them go.

    She clearly wants you to.

    Myabe when you do let go and feel/act as though you dont need her anymore,

    she might just crawl back to you as she will realise u can manage without her.

    Good luck hun, i feel so sorry for you coz i know how it feels :(

    im going through the exact same thing,

    and he's finally starting to miss me.
    well if she is bored do things that are more exciting. going to the movies and out to eat all the time can be boring. how about take her to a amusement park? take her somewhere where she wouldnt expect you to take her but make sure she will like it!
    Although she probably won't dump you, she definitely wants some things to be different. So I suggest you surprise her, add some ';vida loca'; to your love life ;)
    Stop thinking about it, you will drive yourself on the road to madness. My advise is go backpacking around the world for a year.
    She is looking for someone else and using you so she doesn't have to do things alone. You will get dropped, so start looking for your heart's sake.
    Get a friend for her and tell her i would promise not to do the same again since before you broke up
    Spice it up man, a girls loves to be flited with and teased (in a good way) best of luck to you!!!!!
    Hot potato dude. Drop her quick! She's totally using you and you know it
    How important is this relationship? Okay than you have to give it your all! Sometimes we push people away to see how far it going to really push them away. Fight or flight response. Basically, are you going to hang in there or run.

    I know I wanted a man to pursue me and fight for me. Call when you say you going to call. Keep all important dates... meaning holidays and birthday(if it is important to her)! Make sure when it something difficult for her you offer help and it is always done right... Such as car repair, trash, and manly stuff. Anticipate her needs without her having to tell you. Invite her to hang out and do what you would normally do with the guys... such as watching the game... playing pool... or whatever you do that you usually do not include her. Send flower and cards on special days and just because she is who she is! So, if you have neglected her or taken her for granted... Try and be honest and level with her. Try to get her to sit down and talk. Woman need to talk and communicate. We like to discuss every detail. Guys may say 10 words on a subject and a girl may have a good 25 for the same topic. Think about what possible goals that would be comfortable for you and that are easy to obtain. Then set goals with her:

    Get her 5 year plan and tell her yours.

    Plan a vacation.

    Plan an engagement.

    Set a date for marriage.

    Whatever you decide do... do what you feel is worth it to keep the relationship going. make sure you consult others and listen to their thoughts about her... She may not be the right girl for you and sometimes other can pick on that quicker because they have nothing invested in the relationship. So, get advice from people who are where you want to be in relationship. Surround yourself with couples people who have had longevity. Long term couples may have sound advice and encourage behavior and attitudes they will spark new ideas and help you strengthen your relationship.

    Any advice on how to banter?

    me and this girl i'm seeing at the momment always banter for fun. But she always wins. Does anyone have any tips?Any advice on how to banter?
    typically girls are better at bantering...a lot of them are more witty than guys but the more you do it the better you get at itAny advice on how to banter?
    She'll like that she always wins maybe.. act like you're just being nice and letting her win..

    Failing that.. ';so's your face';.. ';at least I'm not a homo'; ..

    ';o my god!'; and then walk away..

    or just act really hurt and take the p*ss
    well all you can do is just do it better sorry but i have to say girls all ways win!!!! LOL
    No, hin its just flirting judt enjoy the momemt and live long and prosper.
    No. wtf is banter? lol

    Please advice me how to extend my drug testing time at TLC & exempt me from paying $200 as penalty.?

    I live in NY having DV visa in 2004. During my staying in NY I got TLC (New York City Taxi %26amp; Limousine Commission). Anyway, the first time after staying in New York I have come to Bangladesh, my birth place to visit my parents %26amp; other family members. Yesterday I suddenly got an information from my roommate in NY that TLC officially informed me to do my annual drug test within 03.02.2007 %26amp; it is a must. Otherwise, My license will be suspended until I demonstrate compliance. Furthermore, If I take drug test 30 days or more after my anniversary date, I must also pay a $200 penalty to have my suspension lifted.

    But I wish to go NY after 15th March, 2007 as my parents want me to get married this week. So please advice me how to extend my testing time %26amp; exempt from paying $200 as penalty.Please advice me how to extend my drug testing time at TLC %26amp; exempt me from paying $200 as penalty.?
    Note: Though I have already replied your similar question a while ago, I am reproducing the same as I feel it is important and needs your immediate attention.

    I found the following info from internet search and could not specifically come to the Answer to your question. You may consider contacting them:

    Notice of Important New Rules Regarding Drug Tests for Medallion Taxicab and For-Hire Vehicle Operators.


    Licensees must take a drug test each year.


    For licensees in the first year of a two-year license (at their interim period), drug testing must occur no sooner than thirty (30) days prior to, and no later than, the date one year prior to the expiration date of such license.

    Example: If a license expires on April 30, 2007, the interim drug test must be taken no sooner than March 31, 2006 and no later than April 30, 2006. Failure to comply will result in summary license suspension.

    Note: If the licensee takes the test within thirty (30) days after the interim drug test date (example: between May 1, 2006 and May 30, 2006), the suspension shall be lifted after a negative result has been provided. However, if the test is taken more than 30 days after the interim drug test date (example: after May 30, 2006), a penalty of $200 must be paid to have the suspension lifted, regardless if a negative test result is provided.

    For licensees in the second year of a two-year license (renewal time), drug testing must occur no sooner than thirty (30) days prior to, and no later than, the expiration date of such license.

    Example: For a license that expires on April 30, 2007, the drug test for renewal must be taken no sooner than March 31, 2007 and no later than April 30, 2007. This requirement will be in effect for all medallion taxicab and for-hire vehicle operator licenses that expire March 16, 2006 and afterward.


    It is very important to note that, beginning with expiration dates of March 16, 2006, failure of a licensee to be tested by the expiration date of his or her license shall result in denial of a license renewal application, if any, and the expiration of the license.

    Licensees: Call 311 - for matters related to License status, application status, and all adjudications questions.

    Staten Island Facility: Call (718) 815-3734 - For Licensing appointments at our Staten Island Facility only.


    Send an E-mail to Mr. Matthew W. Daus, Chair; Taxi %26amp; Limousine Commission

    WRITE TO US: Write to Commissioner Daus at the TLC, 40 Rector Street, New York, NY 10006.Please advice me how to extend my drug testing time at TLC %26amp; exempt me from paying $200 as penalty.?
    sounds like you have Americanized as to the WHINE!!!!just have daddy pay $200 less of a dowry
    Easy, why don't you write a letter to the TLC and let them know what your situation is and whether they will extend the time limit for you.

    If they say, 'no' then you're pretty much screwed and just pay the $200 and move on with life.

    Guy advice please?? how to get him to like me?

    Ok there is this guy named nic and hes in all my classes and we talk sometimes and hes really nice. he playfully hits me sometimes or trips me and stuff then smiles. . but he does that to a couple different girls but he was talking to one of my friends about who he should ask out. . . and its these three girls, and none of them are me. i wanna know how to get him to like me.. i really like him please help, 10 points best answer :)Guy advice please?? how to get him to like me?
    He is obviously interested in both you and in asking someone out. Be friendly back and get him to notice you, be playful and if he doesn't get the hint simply ask him!!, you will make his week :-)Guy advice please?? how to get him to like me?
    There is no way to make him like you. Either he does or he doesn't. Just stick around him and forge a relationship eventually he will realize that he always liked you deep down... or not. No matter what anyone else says it is the only way to do it without being a slut (and even that depends on who he is). It's a matter of chemistry and finding a way to bring it to the surface. There is some amount of chemistry between everybody in the world. You just have to find it. Good luck, and don't let it get you down. If you get a real friendship going that is a more sure way to give you a chance than anything.
    Well, He SHOULD Like You anyways, I'm absolutely sure you're an amazing Person! But, Talk To Him About Things That Interest You Both, Ask Him About Himself, and Eventually Ask Him To hang out with you and a group of friends so that it isn't really awkward. Do Not change yourself to fit what you think he likes, if he doesn't like you as you are, then you are too good for him!
    u should try to ignore him at first and that will make him wnat to flirt with you. then csll him over and watch a movie together. Try to get him to kiss you and he will like you for sure
    slob the knob

    Any advice on how to move on aside from the common suggestions??

    i have a boyfriend for a year and 10 months now, but he's not the topic here. we are far away from each other for school. and then came this guy who ';caught my attention'; and ryt at this very moment, we are texting.. i like him but i know we can't be an item just as yet coz he also have his girl. but we're friends. just GIVE ME AN ADVICE that would surely help me HOW TO MOVE ON with this feeling... i don't want to expect.. he's way too sweet. Damn it! i hate it wen he makes me day dream of him... any advice??? a very UNIQUE one..Any advice on how to move on aside from the common suggestions??
    I would stay with my boyfriend. Don't ruin ur life.Any advice on how to move on aside from the common suggestions??
    hah. this is normal. theres always that other guy you totally wanna be with but just cant..but could be with you know?..never say never..but if i were you id think things through..we girls always fall for guys right me things arent always what they seem and u can always want but not have..but seriously. you hardly know the guy...untill u get to know him hun..keep your day dreams..well...your day dreams...but in a while if ur totally convinced hes what you want go for it. good luck hun
    since you and your current boyfriend dont go to the same school you could wait on this newer guy you like to break up with his gf and then go out with both of them I know its cheating and it may make you feel bad but i mean theyde never know lol so why not?have fun talk with the one that you like for personality and another one that fulfills your sexual desires if i was you thats exactly what ide do
    Visit your current boyfriend, and have incredible mind boggling sex with him. Or ask your new friend to do you. After that, you'll get over him.
  • eye makeup tips
  • Please advice me how to resolve this matter,I have two kids with him and I love him very much,please help us?

    My husband is a very nice and loving person,unfortunately we got into argument and start fighting,I become so mad that I say too many bad words for his parents,although it was their fault but still I should have control on my tongue which I lost in madness and the same with my husband he also lost his control and put me in bed and hold my arms in cross around my neck tightly to make me shutup ,and when he leave I said I`ll call police ,he said not to and said he`ll divorce me if I do so,and take the wire out from phone and went to take shower to cool him down,I put the connection again and call 911,and make a police report,but now we are friends again and I am continuously regretting my self for all that,now we might have to go court and they will punish him and this will effect his carrier through out life,please help me in resolving this matter at any cost, he has once save my life while putting his own life in extreme danger,please help us,may God bless you for thisPlease advice me how to resolve this matter,I have two kids with him and I love him very much,please help us?
    He held your neck tightly? Like in a choking manner? Unless I am misunderstanding this DOES sound like abuse and he would deserve to be punished. But that is all I have to say on the manner. If it was just like he was holding your arms across your body, agianst your neck, well I am not sure, if it made you feel unsafe at the time then I don't know that i would feel safe int he future. Have you tried to see if you can drop the charges?Please advice me how to resolve this matter,I have two kids with him and I love him very much,please help us?
    You know what, you shouldn't have called the police on him to begin with, yo should have thought before you acted, I am COMPLETELY AGAINST women being abused, but, their is a difference between honestly being abused and getting into a spat, you need to decide what to do yourself, either, A. Let them prosecute him, or B. Admit to the court that YOU lied, you need to decide, but I would think that if your relationship really meant anything to you to begin with you wouldn't have called the police on him in the 1st place.
    There is nothing you can do at this point. Domestic violence charges are done by the police not the spouse. So you can not drop the charges against him.

    You may be able to talk at the hearing and put in a good word for him.
    Is there any way to cancel the charges made against him? Talk to him about it and consider going to counseling.
    The first thing you should do is try to find out whether he is still interested in you. Try and fix a date again and see how it turns out.

    When people are divorced and both of them have become friends again, you got 2 options:

    1.) Start from where you two last argued.

    2.) Start everything from scratch.

    Personally, 2 is a better option. Here, you can not only prevent further arguments because both of you are willing to learn about each other and are willing to start afresh together again. Maybe you date this time can go to a theme park together, since you can bring your children along.

    Children are the most important factor for family bonding. They are the one that pulls separated parents together. children need both a Father and a Mother to live healthily and happily. So, if you concerns abut the well-being of the children I guess you should hook up with him again.

    Don't lose confidence in yourself. Have faith. Hopefully you guys be a happy family again. =D

    Need advice on how to ask my crush out.?

    I like this girl at my school and my friends talked to her and I have now found out that she likes me. Problem is is that I don't know how I should ask her out or where to go. I also get nervous around her too. I really need some advice on what to do.Need advice on how to ask my crush out.?
    maybe because she didnt like him ask her to a movie and finish off at dinner

    Any advice on how to impress a cute boy???

    JUST BE YOUR SELF! IF THAT DON'T WORK THAN HE ISN'T WORTH IT!Any advice on how to impress a cute boy???
    come on girls its not hard.. you know what guys want just show off some booty or boobs r u kidding me .. flirt talk about guys fav. subject %26lt;%26lt; AND if you dont kno what this is your kidding me......Any advice on how to impress a cute boy???
    where a skirt with no underwear, make yourself wet... then when he least expects it, sit on his lap and rub yourself leaving a nice stain on his pants.

    If you are hot... Its over... you have him...
    u dont hav 2 impress him, just tell him u like him and ur feelins for him, it'll be enough, trust me.
    Wear some tight jeans and look good but don't show him no attitude
    look sexy

    I need some good advice about how to break up with a guy that never calls me but means a lot ot me??

    i have a bf that never calls me but i still care about him. some times i think he is cheeting on me but i dont know and i can never talk to him bc he never answers when i call him. i dont know what to do. so please help me.I need some good advice about how to break up with a guy that never calls me but means a lot ot me??
    Find another guy and then break up with the other guy that you r talking aboutI need some good advice about how to break up with a guy that never calls me but means a lot ot me??
    Well he definitely doesn't show enough interest in you, whether he's cheating on you or not. If your relationship was at all healthy you would be able to talk on the phone to each other whenever you wanted to. Have you ever tried just texting him and being like, 'Hey, whats going on? How come you never answer my calls?' or try to get through to him in another way? I know you care for him, but it sounds like you just need to let this guy go, if he won't even call you, because communication is one of the most important things in a relationship. Just try to get a hold of him a couple more times, if it doesn't work, move on. It's not worth your time! Hope that helps.
    Well im sorry to say this but i think its already over between u r and he might of found someone else.

    Hi, i need some advice on how to get a tune for my lyrics.?

    I have the lyrics to my song all written out but i just find it dfficult to get a suitable tune for it, pls how do i go abt this?Hi, i need some advice on how to get a tune for my lyrics.?
    It depends on what the lyrics are about. You have to think about how you were feeling when you wrote this song, and why you wrote it. You also have to think of what kind of music you want it to be (Rap, Techno, Acoustic, Pop, etc.) How do you want people to feel when they listen to your song? After youve thought of all of this, then try just kind of singing it to yourself and let it capture a tune by itself. After youve got nice notes to your lyrics, add different instruments one by one. I suggest trying to find a beat after youve got the tune, and then add the rest.

    I need some good advice on how to aproach and talk to a girl i like?

    well i work at a store and i am 18. she might be 17. she always comes in with her mom or sister i any help with this?I need some good advice on how to aproach and talk to a girl i like?
    Maybeask her if she needs help , Then if she will be a little flirty or say no , Then try to ask for her phone number say i can help you if you give me my numberI need some good advice on how to aproach and talk to a girl i like?
    It might be hard if she is always with her mom or sister. I would try to ask her if she needs any help and then strike up a conversation. Just be casual and funny, and maybe if you get on really well ask if you can add her on facebook...That way you can slowly grow a relationship whether it ends up as just friends or turns into something more.
    First of all, Do you know her name?

    If you don't, this could be problematic. If you do, that's good!

    If she comes in your store often, just be polite and help her with what she needs. Don't crowd her. And later on, when she learns your name and you know how old she is, ask for her number and call her once in awhile just to talk. And go from there :P
    Best thing you can do is compliment her and then hit her with the old playa line but not as good as I do though. It's always a nice little ice breaker and joke. And if your not comfortable enough to do that just start talking, shut your brain off and don't be nervous let the game flow out and just be yourself and respectful.
    well 1st of all if u work in a store that sells Cd's,DVD's ect. like HMV or somat or even a clothes store then simply go up and ask if u can help with anything. Then await to see if she says yes or no just looking but if she says yes then dat a good opening for u to get ur move in .take slow little approaches and then she might hav the guts 2 ask u out but just keep approaching her like i said but do not sound or look 2 pushy.

    Hope dis helps

    well if you work at a store

    be like::

    is there anything particular your looking for?

    or talk about a special deal thats going on or something.

    thennnn, compliment her when you get done and then shell be like thanks! yadah yadah yadah.

    you know girls love to talk..

    it will jsut happen.

    then youll leave for home with a big Grin on your face!
    When shes looking at something in the store, ask if she needs any help. and then when she buys something and you serve her, speak to her like is there anything else she wants etc... and maybe make a joke... and SMILE!

    good luck :-)
    next time she comes in offer he a basket or something or give her some discount on her shopping, n then say something like ';if seen you in here before'; or ';you just cant keep away';. then you could ask her if she wants to go out?
  • eye makeup tips
  • I'm starting to hate my friend... any advice on how to get new ones?

    I have plenty of accqueintances but i'm always shy.

    My friend is fun to be with, outoing, funny, and wild. Thats why i was her friend in the first place, but now i see she's also narrow minded, hateful to others, judgemental, immature etc etc... and she's starting to get on my nerves. She's the first person i've clashed this much with. it so wrong to want to ditch her? The more i hang out with her, the more i feel like ****.I'm starting to hate my friend... any advice on how to get new ones?
    That shows how much you value your relationship with her?

    Ask yourself a question - why do you hate her? what turns love into hate?Is she is closest to your heart?

    What puzzles me here is your words used 'Ditch her'? Are you in some kind of abnormal relationship?I'm starting to hate my friend... any advice on how to get new ones?
    No, it's not wrong to want to ditch her. I can relate except my issue is actually the opposite. I'm shy and so is my friend. That's why I was friends with *her* in the first place (at least one of the reasons anyway). But now I see we are clashing big time and bringing out each other's insecurities about our quiet ways. The more I'm with her, the worse I feel about myself because I feel like I'm making her miserable too. We don't talk and when I try to bring it up, she just gets more tense. So I'm sorry I don't have advice. As for me, I think I might as well hang in there since I have to see her often. If you don't have to see her often, you don't have to talk to her anymore, but if you do, it might be in your best interest to stay friends...otherwise you'll just make each other even more miserable without each other. Try talking to her about why she gets on your nerves. If she's not responsive, give her some time...but after a certain time, tell her you're tired of dealing with it and until she's willing to change, you're done! (I guess I did have advice, huh? ;})
    You know what, i have felt like this before about one of my friends and i just didnt want to talk to her for a while. but i got over it because i know that my friend is a great person and when im around my friend im happy. itll pass just wait a while it will go back to the way it was. You could always tell your friends how you feel about her that alwys helps.
    DITCH HER!!! she will end up being bad news in th eend . i promise. id rathe rhave no friends than a bad one
    She sounds so mean. If you keep hanging around her, others will start not to like you either. And, no its not wrong to ditch her...I would be annoyed to hang around her also.
    Still be her friend but not best friend .Go up to some one and make the first move be like ';wow I luv yur shues'; start talking and just be your self theres. Bound to be people out there who will love you and the ones who dont turn out to be your friends will rember you and tell people you are sweet.
    Dye your hair another color
    I would ditch her.
    no its not wrong to ditch her... you can always choose your friends
    if you just want to get away from her, you can always do that. If I were in your shoes, I'd try to talk to her about it, and if she refuses to stop, then I'd ditch her haha start hanging out with some of your other acquaintances. The more you hang out with someone, the closer you'll get, so it'll get easier to hang out with them lol
    you need to get a new friend if she gets on your nerves so much, she isn't worth your time...
    You ever heard of the saying '' Iron sharpens iron''? If she is that negative then you need to bounce now, before her ways rub off onto you.If her ways does not rub off on you then she will continue to make you feel like s***. You can't go on like this, because you will really began to hate her. My thoughts are... Why are you just now starting to see this?

    What really turns guys on? What do they really like? I wanna know how to get and keep the perfect man. Advice?

    Be your self, take care of your image, the Mr. Right will come soon for you! ;)What really turns guys on? What do they really like? I wanna know how to get and keep the perfect man. Advice?
    i think 3 really nasty bjs a day would be enough to keep me involved in any relationship.What really turns guys on? What do they really like? I wanna know how to get and keep the perfect man. Advice?
    uh your asking the impossible. every guy differs. for example most guys like porn my bf thinks its tacky. some guys get turned on by boobs other wont care if your flat but have a great butt. so seriously you will never ever find this guy.
    Want to turn a guy on, Suck on his finger, seriously. It works when I had it done to me.
    well, to keep a guy is by doing stuff to him like bjs and finger sucking at random times. but careful if it's a bad boy kind of guy, cuz he'll think he owns you, and is better than you. you basically need to be a catch and have a life that keeps you really busy. give hime some, but not all the time. he'll want more
    cleavage cleavage cleavage cleavage cleavage

    Can someone give me advice on how to approch a girl?

    Hello, i recently put up a question n how i should look and act to a girl and got GREAT ANSWERS =) but now i need soem help on how should i approch the girl?Can someone give me advice on how to approch a girl?
    im a punk rocker and punk rocker = ladies man lol

    nah man just dress urself with confidence i mean just walk to her with a flow

    like shes ur prey and if shes alone u could go with soemthing that sounds like this

    ';yo you look patetic sitting here by urself and i decided to grace u with my company and smile at her friendly';

    i mean this is a good line because

    1 ur beeing confident

    2 ur showing her ure not afraid of her

    3 ur making a good impression because she will atke it as a joke because u smiled at her

    4 shell think ur the most original guy that ever aproached her

    just go a butt into the conversation when shes talking to her friends and go

    '; hey girl whats up'; u smile she melts she think ur a bad boy she wants to screw u

    so basicaly u have to be bad but still friendly its tricky but girls liek it somehow


    good luckCan someone give me advice on how to approch a girl?
    Don't Plan. Ever. Just Walk Up, Be Charming, Tell Her You Noticed Her, Or That You Like Her Style. If She's Obviously Not Into You, Move On To The Next. In A Bar, Just Buy The Girl A Drink. It's Very Simple To Do That... Just Say, Let Me Get You A Drink... Done. It's All About Charm And Confidence, Get In The Mood That Makes You Think That Even If She Hates You, You Don't Care. Because One Turn Down Shouldn't Be A Shut Down, It Should Be Her Loss. On To The Next One. Don't Lie, Let Her Talk, Even If You Know Nothing About What She's Saying, Be Interested. And Always Offer Things, Get Her A Drink, Light Her Smoke, Stand Up When She Stands Up, Open Doors, Take Your Hat Off If You're Wearing One, And Always If At A Bar, Tip Well In Front Of Her. Respect Is Key. Just Go And Do It, Be Yourself And Have Fun!
    k you shouldn't be shy at all, at least try to look good, and you should LOOK confident
    be yourself walk up to her say hi ask her interest listen to her give her space and if she give u her number and she said call me for goodness sake call her the next day don't think she need to wait CALL HER!!!
    Okay, first....You walk up to here, and you say Hey, hi, hello...

    Very confidently....okay, then you ask her if she's busy...if she says no....den you do your thang...okay?
    take a shower.
    well 2 ways to do it...

    1. beat around the bush:

    start waving or saying ';hi';. eventually striking a conversation, maybe she'll like you and can evolve from there. BUT THE KEY is to get her to notice you... don't get in her face, but let her know you're alive! Eventually, a movie/diner date can come out of this.


    2. Be bold and just ';do it';:

    if you're confident enough, walk right up to her (not aggressive, just a slow, normal walk). Tell her you just noticed her and think she's interesting. Tell her your name if she don't know it yet. Be suave, make an impression, but don't be overly forceful. Be sweet and if you last more than a few minutes talking, tell her you have to go (making her want more and you don't look desperate for a conversation), but would like to give her your phone number so you can pick up where you left off (wink if your bold :) ) and maybe could have hers. If she don't give it to you right off, don't be discouraged, she may feel she don't know you well enough to just give it out to anyone. So meet again in the same place, or offer her diner/coffee/anything- on you- later. tell her it's ';your treat';.
    First you have to know if a girl is interested.. If she seems interested and you feel she is approachable, then go up and introduce yourself (if you don't know her) and ask if she would consider going out with you to a movie or just somewhere for a bit to eat. All she can say is no. But, then again, she might say yes.
    first walk by her a smile at the begining of the day and at the end go up and talk a little, jsut a little, then the next day go up to her a little more othen so she gets the feeling of you
    Be confident and just go up to her introduce yourself (if you haven't already met) and start a casual conversation ask her how her day was? what are her hobbies? etc. get to know her.

    hope that helped good luck!
    Be Confident,Walk up to her and say hello.

    I need so helpful advice on how to get through this???

    What do I do when the guy I'm in love with leaves and moves to another state? I can't quit crying and I don't know what to do! Please give me some advice on how to get through this! I would really appreciate it if you would help me out!I need so helpful advice on how to get through this???
    If you have his address you can write to him and keep in contact with him. You can even talk to him on the phone if that is possible. Keep yourself as busy as possible so you can think about it as little as possible. Of course, cry until you can't cry anymore. There is nothing wrong with crying. You can email him and still have contact with him in some way so at least you have that. Just get up everyday and do what you have to do and after a while the pain will ease. I am very sorry he moved away.I need so helpful advice on how to get through this???
    Thats really tough, and its normal to feel bad and cry because you really cared about him, but you need to do things that keep your mind off him. Start doing things that you used to do before you met him. Movies, dancing, getting together with friends, that kind of stuff. Its okay to miss someone but you shouldn't let it shut down the rest of your life. If you need to chat some more IM me at dan6851@yahoo.
    I would go out with friends or do anything you like that will take your mind off it.
    You need to get your mind off of him and into a hobby and spend time with friends and family.

    That is some of the thi ngs I do when a gal has left me.

    Good Luck
    Turn Gay!

    Does anyone have any advice on how to give a really great b-l-o-w j-o-b?

    No teeth, suck gently, use a lot of tongue, and use your hands too.Does anyone have any advice on how to give a really great b-l-o-w j-o-b?
    honestly, it really doesn't matter what you do, as long as you WANT to be doing it. From my experience, thats really what makes or breaks it. Guys can tell when you're just 'doing them a favor' versus when you really want to be there, and are enjoying yourself! So just have fun with it, be creative, and I promise you that if you enjoy it, he'll enjoy it 100x more than that!!Does anyone have any advice on how to give a really great b-l-o-w j-o-b?
    there are dvd's specially made for teaching.
    there is a book called, Tickle His Pickle at B%26amp;N take it from there.
  • eye makeup tips
  • Advice on how to advance with him cautiously???

    i am very confused because i have feelings for this guy and we were never together but we discussed it and were skeptical because of the age difference. he has dated another girl in between then and now we are talking to each other alot. he's helping me with a project that i am doing for work and i don't get to see him often because we are both farmers with hectic schedules. he often makes sexual suggestions that we should get together but he also says and does things that show interest that is not of a sexual nature but i am skeptical of his motives. is he really interested in me and how do i approach the topic?Advice on how to advance with him cautiously???
    You know in your case I麓d wait to see what happens. Let him ask you out and give it a chance and see how you feel. Sometimes you just have to give it a try. But let him ask you, let him do the approach and you just follow along. But give the sex a wait because you first want to get to know him well, and feel comfortable with him.

    I麓m concerned about that age difference..? But since I don麓t know it, I麓d say try and see how you feel...Advice on how to advance with him cautiously???
    talk to him about what you just said.
    ask him point blank.

    Can you give me any advice on how to tell my mom that I'm gay?

    Just do it. If you know you want to come out to her there really is no strategy, you can do anything from leaving her a note, to sending her an email to just telling her. Not all parents kick their kids out of the house for being gay, she may surprise you and not be bothered or already know. Coming out to parents is always an extremely difficult thing to advise because there really is no specific answer, it depends on the views of the parents, the parenting style of the parent, and the maturity. On average though from what I've heard mothers tend to be easier to come out.Can you give me any advice on how to tell my mom that I'm gay?
    I think a lot of it depends on your age and your parents' disposition. If you are quite young and your parents are very conservative, they may react badly and do something extreme (like send you to one of those camps or to a hospital). Or if your parents are a bit more progressive, they might get used to the idea after a bit. Only you know how big of a risk you are taking so you must decide if coming is out is worth the price. It shouldn't be that way but often it is. I hope everything works out well for you.Can you give me any advice on how to tell my mom that I'm gay?
    Mom, I'm gay.

    Evil kids and pets I really need advice here They killed a rabbitt and I want some ideas on how to help them?

    I'm a nanny for 4 kids. I love these kids like they are my own, but sometimes I wonder if they aren't evil! Their mom breeds rabits and the girls each have a pet rabbitt they can play with and handle when they want so they don't hold the baby bunnies. Well, last week they took a rabbitt in their room (mom was here not me) while Mom was in shower and proceeded to throw the poor thing aound like it was a stuffed animal. Mom took rabbitt to vet, but it died anyways. Now mom is doing everything she can think of, taking away TV til the end of the year and even taking away toys. I know what the girls did is cruel and wrong and needs punished, but these girls do not respond to any type of punishment. I want to find a way to help them understand that what they did is wrong, but I'm not sure how to. Can anyone give me any sugestions? The kids are 2 1/2, 4, 5 and 8 (The 8 year old didn't particapate in throwing round the rabbitt, but didn't say anything to anyone about it either.) HelpEvil kids and pets I really need advice here They killed a rabbitt and I want some ideas on how to help them?
    You could have them all write a story from the perspective of a baby bunny. It could start out something like: I (the bunny) was all snug next to my mom my when.... This should help them with empathy skills.Evil kids and pets I really need advice here They killed a rabbitt and I want some ideas on how to help them?
    Seriously This is a bunny one of the cutest most defensless creatures in the world explane to them what they've done its horrible OMG if these were my kids id lock them in a closet for 18 years how could they do something so horrible they need their pets taken away along with tv

    Report Abuse

    desserts stuffed animal and everything else entertaining but their beds (and make them eat the foods they hate most) They shouldnt have done that but dont punish the 8 year old just tell her that she could've saved its life (they probly wouldnt have listened to her anyway)

    Report Abuse

    You don't want to know what my first answer to you was, it would have landed you in jail if you had done it.. so not such a good idea.... obviously these monsters that you call kids should never ever ever be allowed anywhere near any animals ever again, first they are much too young to know how to care for animals without adult supervision, and two, they have demonstrated at a very young age that they have no feelings, no morals and no remorse for what they did.. so yes.. they are evil, it's not natural or normal for young children to purposely torture and kill small animals... these kids need serious professional help and so do the parents.
    Explain to them as if they were the bunny. How would they feel if they were thrown around and had those things done to them. They need to love all animals as if they were the animal. They do need counseling big time.

    They are pretty young and probably didn't understand what they were doing, however it is pretty violent...Thank God you are there to set them straight.

    I think your influence whatever you decide to do will have a big impact. There is something that will get their attention, you just haven't found it yet.

    I think TV is a bad influence on children. Good luck....
    These kids are evil! They need help! If they were males, future serials on your hands...
    Wow!!!! These kids really need some counseling..Do the kids help feed and take CARE of the babies..Maybe if they did they may get more respect for them.Start showing them their own baby pictures and tell them what they killed was a baby.. I would be really direct with them at this point.
    put kids in cages. give rabbitts free run of house!
    Well 2 1/2 4 and 5, that's still a little young to know what happens when you do something like that. They may not know the meaning of death, or what happens. Of course make sure with their mom if its OK if you talk to them about. Some parents feel it should be their job to do this. But to help them understand tell them about what they did and explain what death is. Explain why their actions were bad. Every child when they are young hurts an animal, its not cause they are evil, it just they know better but the don't. I also think there are good reason why the 8 old stayed out of it. Who knows what really happened while mom was in the shower. It hard getting everything out little kids like that. But I would definitely sit down and talk to them, or try to. ( not sure how the attention of these little ones are) Good luck
    you should get counseling, you should not be taking care of little kids if you refer to them as evil.
    kids shouldnt be left alown with animals in the firs place and the mum should either make sure the kids cant get to the animlas with out an adult or rehome the animlas instead.

    sit the kids down and explain why what they did was wrong and yes show them anmal cops, also ask a shelter if you can take the kids down to see some of the worse case animals.

    also get the kids cheacked for learning dificulties, as some of these may cause the behaviour your seeing, eg ADHD Attention Deficat Hypactivity Disorder.
    Did they show any trace of remorse for what they did?
    Harming animals is often the beginning symptoms of a conduct disorder (a general diagnoses describing inappropriate behaviors that lead to harming others). Most kids under the age of 3 or 4 are too young to understand their actions though. I don't know enough about the situation, but most breeders treat their bunnies as a commodity (rather tha a living being). If this is the case, then the children may not view the baby bunnies as living critters that need to be treated with love and compassion. The best way to teach children is through example. Show them how to care for the bunnies in a loving manner and how to treat them with respect. I hope this helps.
    Wow!!! This is a serious matter. I think these kids needs full explanation about life. They should learn about how they value their lives. I think parental advisory as the first step is enough. Monitor the children for excessive behaviour. If there are more violence behaviour, you'll need professional consultation.
    It sounds like they all need to go to a group counselor because they have not developed caring or empathy for another living creature yet. This doesnt mean their mom is not a good mom- but she will need help with this and cannot do this on her own. Councling is the best before things get even worse
    Apologies for the length of my response, but I think there's alot going on here:

    My youngest daughter went thru a phase of being rough with our pets at about 4 or 5. She didn't kill any, but she came frightfully close once. I remember going thru a similar phase myself as a child of the same age, again, not to the point of death but certainly beyond the comfort level of the animal. 2 1/2 is a bit young to know the rules about animals but 4-5 is old enough to know you don鈥檛 hit people, so you don't hit animals. Why it's done, I believe, is a control thing. Adults control kids, Kids control animals, big animals control little animals. In your case, there may also be a group dynamic thing going on, whereby things happen in a group that often times won鈥檛 happen with individuals as groups tend to obscure personal responsibility.

    With my daughter, I was very harsh with her verbally and I immediately expressed an irate disgust, anger and disappointment with her. I didn't swat her the first time, but I made her explain what had happened. I made her nurse the dog afterwards and I made her apologize to the dog and the family. Afterwards, I watched her like a hawk for about 6 months until she became trustworthy. During that time, I caught her a few times starting to taunt the dog, but when she did and I saw her, I repeated the anger, ridicule, disgust routine with her and I might have swatted her on the *** as well, I can't recall. I also made it a rule that she could not be alone with any animal until she could be trusted. So if I caught her alone, even without evidence of cruelty, I repeated the anger/ridicule bit for disobeying my rule of being alone with the animal. I also used my slightly older son as a watchdog... kids love to tattle on each other and in these matters, I encourage such.

    The problem you describe appears to be multi-fold however, a behavioral problem and a disciplinary problem. With respect to discipline, I come from the old school and my kids fear my wrath. I have no issue with this style of parenting, although I know some people nowadays think it's wrong to have your kids fear you. Personally, I know of no other way, when they're young, to get their respect. They don't respect you just because you keep a clean house and a cool head and talk softly to them. My kids are very well behaved and easy to bring in line now because when they got unruly at younger ages; I was very decisive and swift with them. When they get out of line, I was all over them verbally, and in many cases, with a swat on the *** to follow. I moved faster than Superman in some cases, just to scare the hell out of them with the sheer speed at which Dad could cross a room to get in their face... and in their face I got. You don't have to hit a kid to get them to understand that you are a force to be reckoned with.... just move like a rabid wolf when they do something bad and watch how they respond.

    As a nanny, your disciplinary options are limited I'm sure, and I don鈥檛 know how much influence on the parents you have, but I would suggest that taking away toys and such is, by itself, not very effective on any kids. Kids know they will get back anything you take away at some point, unless you destroy it. When they get older, they will cut off their noses to spite their faces in a battle of control with you, however, the rabid wolf is not something they can get accustomed to easily. What is needed is that ';inner voice'; telling them that ';if I do this and I get caught, there will be hell to pay';... that same voice that keeps us adults from whacking each other over the heads. With my kids, swift, drastic, dramatic and sometimes physical (swat on the ***) action, done consistently when they are bad, and started at an early age, instills a healthy sense of dread in their minds as to the consequences of doing bad things. If the parents in your situation don't abide by this type of philosophy then perhaps you need some new-age approach, but I have no idea how that stuff works and I can't say I've ever seen it work. I've met plenty of bratty kids who come from ';we don't want our kids to fear us'; households.

    As for counseling, I'd say if your attempts to use real discipline fail, counseling is worth a shot, but it wouldnt be my first choice in this situation as I tend to doubt they intended to the kill the animal. If you think they did, then you've got some serious issues there and counseling or no counseling, you need some drastic measures. This is not necessarily the sign of future mass murderers, in fact, it's highly unlikely given the numbers involved. I know many kids who did things like this growing up and they didn't become serial killers.. the problem comes from when there is a joy gained in doing it and no consequence.. in this case, it's not clear they wanted to kill the animal or killed it to satisfy some inner pleasure.. they were kids being stupid.

    You know, if you think about it, if the rabbit had razor sharp teeth and snarled like a pit-bull and occasionally put a hurtful bite on the kids, I doubt they would have messed with it... fear is a primal motivator and God or evolution (whichever you believe in) saw fit to make sure that we all possess an ability to be frightened.. I'd say there's a reason for that.
    Harming animals is often only the beginning of years of violence and other problems. These kids absolutely need counseling. I'm not kidding, most serial killers started out by killing animals. These kids need to be watched closely, kept away from any and all animals, and taken for some serious counseling. They are all old enough to know better, really. I have a 6 year old, even at the age of 2 she knew better than to do anything like that. The 8 year old especially knew better. Good Luck, I really hope things work out for these kids.
    Get them some help now before they turn their anger on to people!!!
    This is a major psychological problem and needs professional counseling. However, they do not understand that the animal is alive...many city children don't...get some advice....if left untended, the problem will escalate to brutality towards others.
    Sounds like they wanted to know what would happen, curious maybe. My granddaughter likes to throw stuffed animals down the stairs and for me to catch it, but I told her not to do it. Maybe it is just reminding them of a stuffed little animal. A child 2 1/2 may not know, but the other two should know. I think the Mother should do some punishment of some kind, and tell them that they killed God's creature, a living and breathing alive little animal. It is not normal for them to kill like that.
    Tell them what they did was wrong,,, Dont worry about the toys you should be worried about taking the rabbits away from them. This is whats wrong with the world today, mom isn't to worried about it she has a nanny. But if mom is not going to do anything i guess that leaves you. Good ole *** whipping would work wonders but you cant do that. They are old enough to know better, tell them they killed it and it will never come back, have a funeral cry, I hope there are no other animals around.
    take the kids to the cops i think thats possible...or counselling the cops way is better take em away up to 21 yrs where they can fully have a trial
    Suggest to the mother that these kids get some counseling and I mean immediately. This is how serial killers start out killing small animals. What will they do next throw one of their siblings out the window when they get mad jeez please do something and quick.And if their mother refuses to get them help then report her to the authorities. She is neglecting these children's mental health and maybe she needs counseling as well. Good Luck.
    kids need alot more help then they are getting!!!

    animal killing is the beginning of a terrible life of violent tendencies,'

    they really need alot more help.

    and keep them away from animals
    Keep the rabbit's away from the children, oviously they haven't been taught what cruelty to a living thing mean's. These children need professional counceling. Talk to the Mom, I hope she listen's to you. Cruelty like this will only esculate even to the point of harming people. I wish you and the children the very best of luck.

    Can you give me any advice on how to tell my mom that I'm gay?

    tell your mom to come in your room and say your playing sharades and walk into the closet then back out of the closet.Can you give me any advice on how to tell my mom that I'm gay?
    Unless you are at least 21 years old I would hold off on the ';coming out party';. I tell you this especially after reading your other questions, you seem to have a lot of questions about sexuality. Please give yourself a chance to grow up.Can you give me any advice on how to tell my mom that I'm gay?
    just tell her your door is swinging a different way. lol

    shes your mom shes gonna love you no matter what so if its something like this why not be humerous right.
    you need to talk to her sit her down and tell her mom I love you and I don't know how you will feel abot this but I need to tell you something. '; i am gay'; I hope that you aren't upset with me and again I love you. Which is why I wanted to be the one to tell you.
    Tell her you have a new friend. An Indian girl, goes by the name Minjeeta. She should get the idea
    Just come right out and say it. If your mom loves you, she won't care that you are gay. There is no use hesitating, b/c the longer you wait, the harder it is going to be. And don't think about it too much. It is your mothers job to love you no matter what!
    Pretty much just sit her down and tell her straight out.

    Good luck!
    just come out with it.

    If u hold back or hesitate it'll only get harder.

    Just tell her that u feel ok about it all and ur 100% certain about it.

    Hope it helps.

    Good luck.
    Just tell her at home in privacy. I can almost guarantee you that she suspects already. She may not KNOW for sure, but I am quite certain she has her suspicions. My brother came out to me about 6 years ago. I had long suspected (but not 100% sure). I never saw him ';with'; another guy and he even had a girlfriend or two, but I had a feeling. Trust your Mom, she may be upset at first, but she's your Mom and she'll come around.
    It really depends on how your relationship with her is and whether she is generally open-minded on matters of sexuality or whether she is bound up about sexuality.

    Now if you have decent relationship and she is open-minded, by all means just come out bluntly. She will be able to handle it and probably already has a general idea anyway.

    But if she is bound up or your relationship is rocky, take it more slowly, perhaps leave a bit of literature lying about for her to look at, watch a bit of LOGO with her, then gently broach the subject. If she is shocked or upset give her time to process. Pushing instant acceptance will get her back up.

    Either way, don't wait too long. Living in the closet is miserable for you and for your partners. Best to just come out and let the chips fall where they will. I hope things go well for you.
    your not gay, being gay is an illusion of the mind. Pray to God!

    Can someone please give me advice on how to stop being so in love with someone?

    I have been in love with this girl for about two years and my feelings are only getting stronger, but not obsessive. I haven't seen her in about twelve months and I've seen other girls I've thought I fell in love with but I realise I love one girl more than.?.?.?. anything. I think she loves me as well? which is even harder for me to stop thinking about her. But I can't love this girl because it would be immoral of me.

    Can you help me to stop my feelings?. I am getting to the stage where I don't even have intrest in other girls, even if there beautifull.

    I'm loosing intrest in everything. Its like if I can't be with her, I don't want to be anywhere.Can someone please give me advice on how to stop being so in love with someone?
    So whats so being immoral about loving her? Is she married? If so, then forget her. Divert your heart and mind to other things that can occupy your time to make you busy. Continue meeting other girls, who knows, you'll meet your match. And one more thing, did you tell her about your feelings? Remember, you want to stop yourself from being inlove with her, then its you and only you that can make this happen. Forget her and move on with your life.Can someone please give me advice on how to stop being so in love with someone?
    Think only BAD thoughts about her.
    just realize that she's your ex for a reason, which means that it wasn't meant to be and why would it be immoral to love her.. you should tell why :) :) :)

    My mom doesnt seem to like my boyfriend any advice about how to make her like him?

    Good question- but more details would help.

    Are you under 18? If so... your mom is very likely just trying to protect you. She's your mother, and that's her job. Heck, your mom will try to protect you no matter what your age is. She'll always want the best for you, no matter what. That's a large part of what 'love' is about. believe that.

    And how much can she actually trust you... or... him? Remember, to her, he is a total stranger. And any stranger can be scary to a parent. And the younger that you are... the more your mom will worry about you. She cares... and that caring is deep.

    But can you actually 'make her' like him? Likely... not. One of the hardest things in this world to change... is a parent's mind.

    And I wanna tell you something, some advice that young people I give it to... seldom if ever take... which is sad. IF... or

    when you want to present a boyfriend to your parent(s), you must convince that boyfriend to try very hard to make a good impression. Boys rarely if ever do that, or even try to make the effort. Does your b/f dress like a 'player' or a 'gangsta'? If so... change that for when he meets you mom. Put his butt into some decent clothes that won't give your mom a bad impression. And tell him to be cordial and polite. So many young men these days have positively terrible manners. Ick. Bad news, that. The point is... you have to preen and prune and fluff-up your b/f to impress your parent(s), but... girls fail to do that. It's your fault... and his, if he's allowd to make a bad impression. You both are to blame.

    Some things cannot be changed, though, to make your b/f 'look' better. Some parents have issues about race, nationality, politics, religion, and things like that, which cannot be changed with good manners or a change of clothed and combed hair. Some prejudices... run deep, and are unchangeable. That's just a fact of life.

    Hope this helps :-)

    ~ Jonathan RichMy mom doesnt seem to like my boyfriend any advice about how to make her like him?
    You're quite welcome :-)

    ~ Jon

    Report Abuse

    My mom doesnt seem to like my boyfriend any advice about how to make her like him?
    I had a gf who's Mother didn't like boys. She was over protective of her daughter ,so I would compliment her. I would tell her that she is a good cook and I would tell her how nice her hair looks etc. Have your boyfriend butter her up. It works..Help her out when she needs it too.
    When I was in high school my mom hated my boyfriend and there was not a single thing I could do about it. I had dated him for four years and over time she just grew to not liking him. I asked her if I could bring him over for dinner and just to hang out in order to see if I could coax her into liking him and she agreed. She began to like him but then he ended up breaking my heart. Although I don't regret that he did.. you always hate when your mother is right. Now I am in the perfect relationship and happier than I could have ever wished for. If your mom has a legitimate reason for not liking him, I would really look into that.
    All I can say is good luck with that. My mom doesn't like my husband and we've been married for 12 years.
    well you can never make anyone like somone.......u have do it yourself............he should just put his best foot forward....when his around her......but what is most important is how he treats you and the way you speak of him. if you talk sh*t about him all the time why would she like him.ur un-happy. so really take alook at him and your reletionship.......and see what she sees
    Do you really want a boyfriend your Mom likes?

    Every girl i date that her Mom likes me...thats like the death-bullet of that relationship or something.

    Women like the drama. No two ways about it.
  • eye makeup tips
  • Any advice on how to best tell my kids (9,7,4) that we are leaving their bipolar dad because he won't get help

    The two oldest understand some of what is going on. I don't want to lie to them, hurt them, or give them too much info. How do I tell them enough for them to ';get it'; without making their dad out to be a villain or also without making it sound like it's my or their fault?Any advice on how to best tell my kids (9,7,4) that we are leaving their bipolar dad because he won't get help
    The most painful and difficult issue to consider when thinking of ending a marriage is always the children. No parent wants to be a source of unhappiness to their children, whom they love more than life itself, and therefore the guilt that accompanies discussions about breaking up can be devastating.

    Children want to see their parents happy. They feel responsible for making their parents happy, and believe me, they know when you aren't, no matter how good you think you are hiding the truth from them. If you stay in an unhappy marriage for the sake of your children, I believe you will be causing them more emotional harm than if you divorced. They will feel responsible for your sacrifice, and this puts tremendous pressure on a child. ';I stayed for your sake'; is no favor.

    I am a Human Relations and Personal Growth Counselor. I have worked with grown-up children and found the following to be true: The children whose parents divorced and found love and happiness, either alone or with new partner, grow up feeling good about themselves and their parents. They have a healthy attitude toward love and relationships because they had positive role models for loving themselves and making love work. In contrast, some of the most unhappy people I have worked with are grown-ups whose parents stayed together in passionless, dead relationships, colored with suppressed anger and resentment.

    Your job as a parent is to know what's best for your child, whether or not your child agrees with your decision. When your little girl asks if she can eat ice cream for dinner, and you respond ';No!'; she may cry and claim that you are mean. Because you know that ice cream doesn't comprise a healthy meal, you are able to stick to your decision in spite of her tears. In your heart, you know you are making this decision for her own good.

    This is the same attitude you must have when deciding the future of your relationship. Yes, your children will cry when you tell them you are getting divorced or leaving their Dad. But as they grow older and learn to see you as people, and not just parents, they will develop compassion for your situation and understanding about your decision. They will realize that you were not just doing it for your own good, but theirs as well.

    You owe it to your children to work very hard on your marriage, and do everything you can to make it work. But if you come to the point where you realize that the marriage cannot work, then you owe it to your children to separate from your partner, and free yourself to find the love you deserve, and the relationship they can one day look up to.

    ravishingVAny advice on how to best tell my kids (9,7,4) that we are leaving their bipolar dad because he won't get help
    I don't think you can do it without them trying to blame you....The best thing you can do is tell them that Daddy loves them but he's sick and needs to get some help, and for some reason that you can't figure out, he's not getting the help he needs and you think it is best for the four of you to move on while Daddy struggles with his problem.

    Good Luck, I feel for you.

    my dad was an alcoholic and my mom left him when I was 5 years old..

    I remember my mom taking me to the park and holding my hand and telling me that: '; daddy needs to get some help,

    and I want you to know that you can still see him whenever you want. It's just me and daddy need to take a little break ';recess'; for a while. and then she left my dads number taped to the phone in case I ever wanted to talk to him I could.

    Then I had supervised visits with him whenever my mom would let me.. and she took me out to ice cream :)
    Just tell them that U and their father have fallen out of love, but that U and he still love them....that way neither of U can be held as the villain. Kids are very bright, they may feel a little resentment but eventually that will pass.

    Just make sure that U both share your kids equally....I know because I have been there as a child and as someone who fell out with my kids mother.

    The kids will feel it when U do tell assertive in a gentle manner....make sure that their father gets a word in as well.

    I wish U luck for the coming future, your kids will adjust.
    just tell them that mommy and daddy arent getting along right now (and wont b living together), and that both of u love the kids very much...

    dont disclose about the bipolar disorder...they are just young kids and wont understand...

    and to make things good make sure that both parents are active in their growing up even tho u guys arent together...

    good luck
    Send them to a child psychologist. A trained professional can help them to vent and to talk about their fears or worries.

    I had my child see a really good child psychologist for about 8 months when I separated from my ex husband. Sessions were twice a week and I truly believe they helped my child deal with what was happening.

    Good luck. Get some help for yourself, too. We all need outside help occasionally.
    I would suggest you make an appointment with your husband's former psychiatrist and pose these questions to him...also their pediatrician can advise you.....good luck.
    I would tell them together..right now we cant stay with daddy because he is not well and needs some time alone..YES we will still see him but right now daddy is sick and needs to be alone...

    THATS what I told my kids when we left
    Tell them, ';Sit back and watch how mom handles this. Pack your things, we're leaving that nut case! And you KNOW he's nuts. You're not deaf and blind.';

    I'm dyslexic and I have to take the LSAT to get into law school.I need advice on how to do well on the test

    If you have this documented, let the examiners know before the test and they can make special arrangements to accomodate your needs. Some people get extra time, a separate room, etc. It really depends upon what YOU need. Feel free to speak up on your behalf, as it is your right.

    Practice and study with the latest edition of the test prep book. Study, study, study.

    Get a good night's sleep, and eat breakfast the day of the test. Take some candy (hard) and/or gum with you for when you stress and remember to breathe.

    Good luck and best wishes.I'm dyslexic and I have to take the LSAT to get into law school.I need advice on how to do well on the test
    I think that if you contact the LSAT people and provide proof of your dyslexia, you can have special arrangements made for the test.I'm dyslexic and I have to take the LSAT to get into law school.I need advice on how to do well on the test
    Does the law school in which you're attending understand that you have dyslexia?
    Use a mirror.

    Any advice on how to get rid of my EX who doesn't seem to be getting the message?

    My Ex and I broke up over a year ago, he has dated women since then but has still tries to hang on to me. He seems to not understand LEAVE ME ALONE. Any advice?Any advice on how to get rid of my EX who doesn't seem to be getting the message?
    He will eventually get it as long as you are being to the point and not wishy washy.Any advice on how to get rid of my EX who doesn't seem to be getting the message?
    find a new boyfriend and spend alot of time with your new boyfriend so that you ex doesnt have any time to try and hang out with you...dont lead ur ex on though and keep hanging out with him....also dont just go out with any guy make sure u find a guy who u really like....dont use any guy cuz it hurts....
    Restraining Order.
    oh plz let me know if u get any good answers coz my b/f ex is really doing our heads in (its been 3 yrs get over it!!)

    (ignoring them seems to work, for a while anyway lol try that)
    Restraining orders usually work pretty well!
    tell him straight to his face
    just simply tell him that you don't want him by you. and if that doesn't work then get your friends to help you.
    tell him to leave you alone and if he doesn't then try a different approach as in saying if you don't leave me alone i will call the police or something
    Tell him that you are moving on and let him know not like ';oh still want you to be friends'; Cause they'll that they still have chance of being with you. And also start dating new people.
    Ignoring will work for a while. I would make sure that anywhere I went, there was absolutely no chance of him showing up.
    get a boyfriend a nice big strong one that'll set his *** straight... if not a resraining order works pretty good
    You need to make it VERY clear to him that it is over and he needs to get a life. I had a girlfriend who had this same problem, but I found out that the problem was with her. She didn't make it clear enough to him that she was through with him and never wanted to see him again. I told her straight up that she needs to make this very clear to him first because she doesn't want me to take care of it. She understood and apparently made it very clear to him because she never heard from him again. A smart move on his part.
    cant u just dissapear?

    change your number and stuff?
    get a new boyfriend
    next time call the cops and ask them what you could do about it.

    Im not good at talking to girls and i need to get some advice on how to meet ppl?

    I know talking to girls and people in general sounds intimidating but you have to get over this fear. Before you start talking to someone, take deep breaths and tell yourself you can do this. No one is going to rip your head off okay? Think of a conversation starter, compliment her eyes.. beauty.. talk about how lame your science teacher was being. There's so many things you can talk about but it's up to you to choose.

    Girls are scary, I know. The best way to approach them is to show them them your smile and total eye contact. That way, they'll feel good and keep the conversation going. Always maintain contact with the eyes, NO WHERE ELSE :P

    To meet people in general is to find common ground with them, and converstate! That's the only way to.

    I hope you find the courage to talk to girls, good luck!Im not good at talking to girls and i need to get some advice on how to meet ppl?
    Just be yourself, take a deep breath, be confident. Just keep trying, you'll get better at it.Im not good at talking to girls and i need to get some advice on how to meet ppl?
    i am going to assume you are 13 or so. Just be yourself.
    Well that was an oxy moron
    go into a chat site or email some girls may be easier then talkin to them face to face, n then when u got enough confidence then talk to girls face to face.

    Need advice/tips on how to relax in exams?

    my 14 year old recently took her sats and her other subject exams she didnt do as well as she should have as she froze her mind went blank and she couldnt remember most of the things she had revised i tried to give her advice and to reassure her but she is really upset she is worried that this will happen again when she sits her gcses thanks in advanceNeed advice/tips on how to relax in exams?
    Im going through GCSE's at the moment. I find that if I believe that it's a practice and as long as I do my best I can get through without any major hiccups. Also try telling her to breathe in count to 5 and breathe out again then collect her thoughts, plan how to answer the question and then set to helps me loads if i get in a pickle. If she's in year 9 now remind her that they're only SATS, no one looks at them once you get your GCSE's no matter what the teachers say dont get worked up about them and try your best. If you do that you have nothing to worry about.Need advice/tips on how to relax in exams?
    when i take exam i find that having polos or other hard sweets help me to relax and also bottle of water. it mite help her aswell.
    I was told that you should stretch, take some deep breaths and not keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth.

    Good luck
    I think best think to repeat with oneself in an exam is OTHERS ARE JUST SHEEPS and ARE WRITING NONSENSE!
  • eye makeup tips
  • Advice on how to hide this from my parents?

    My parents are super-super conservative Muslims and they DO NOT ALLOW dating until I am at least 25 and out of college. I'm in high school and have started seeing this wonderful guy. Today he told me he loved me, and I love him as well. I really really don't want to break up with him and he knows that me parents don't know. What do I do?Advice on how to hide this from my parents?
    The truth shall set you free! The truth shall set you free! The truth shall set you free! After your grounding is over that is!Advice on how to hide this from my parents?
    Okay well since you're still in high school don't get too serious about the whole ';love'; thing. Trust me, you're still very young. If you think this guy is appropriate, then I suggest you introduce him to your parents, and perhaps arrange a dinner for both of your families to meet. Don't tell them he's your boyfriend, just let them know that you would like for them to meet a very good friend. If they like him then show your appreciation and be mature - if they say you can't strictly ';date'; him, be mature and don't whine to prove to them that you can be an adult. You can still hang out with him, but you shouldn't be getting too serious at this age anyways.
    Well if he knows, understands and love you. Then you two shouldn't have a problem hiding it. As a mother myself I would be upset if my daughter hide something like that from me. But on the other hand being a daughter myself in a family of all guys and having to hide a lot of relationships in my time. I tell you this Enjoy everyday you have with him as if it was your last... Just in case that day comes and it over bc of him, you or your parents. At least you know in your heart you enjoyed life and everything that it has to offer...
    Well i would honor your parents/religion , everytime you see parents saying no you can't fate someone you always end up seeing them getting kicked out of the house or all emotional about it. Either way you won't be able to hide it from them forever, end it now, or tell them straight up and hope for the best
    Trust me this isn't going to go to friend did this exact thing a few months ago and her parents are muslims. let me tell you how she's not even allowed outta her house, she has no phone, and she's on a strict as hell schedule. Just tell your parents that you like him and they might understand. DO NOT GO BEHIND THEIR BACKS IT WILL BLOW UP IN YOUR FACE.
    Depends on your forms of communication with him... If you text or call him, make sure to delete those messages right away. If you want to see him outside of school, say you're going somewhere with your friends and meet up with him instead.
    Once you are 18 you parents have no say in your personal life. I would just not tell anyone that you are dating him, just say you are good friends or something like that.
    honor your parents.
    Just don't tell your parents

    How to be confident?:( i need some advice?

    i mean i know this may seem crazy, but im serious. no stupid comments. ok so im a little on the heavier side then all of my friends i hang with, i mean there skinny and im kinda ';thick'; i guess we can call it, i don't feel good about the way i look, im quiet and shy and not outgoing, i wanna change, can anyone help?How to be confident?:( i need some advice?
    oh don't worry,i'll try to help you!

    ok as of my own expireince i'm very un confident and allways put my self's a really bad habit and i start to feel really bad about my self. but somethings i do sometimes help... what i do is i go right infront of the mirror and pinpoint the good things about me. another thing i do is i think ';who cares what other people think?!'; and try to talk in conversations and really try to be outgoing. i know this will be hard at the begging but over time it should work out. Also you should NEVER compare yourself. NO one is perfect! everyone has there own uniqe look and personality and that's what makes you so beautiful. Another thing is if u are starting to think you are ';thick'; ,maybe some excersie and healthy eating will help. excersing and bieng healthy should make you feel great! One more thing, i know how it feels to be really shy, cause i am one of the shiest people you will meet! it's kept me down for most of my life and it's not a good thing. Try getting some advise from your friends and they should help you with the shy thing.

    Hope i could help and good luck!How to be confident?:( i need some advice?
    Are you bimbo? If not try to figure out why you are not confident ? Do you lack the knowledge ? Do you know the answers to what most of the time people do talk about? If yes than why worry.Leave your chubby shyness and you will find a marvellous person in yourself,cutting jokes at the right moment,making people laugh, taking care of youngs and elderly.Be light hearted;and try to forgive the person who make snyde remarks about you. And you shall be the cntre of oh yes everything. I would love be near you then.
    you have to be happy with who you are.

    and good on you for atleast having weight!

    im rather, big too..

    and ive adjusted to it :]

    just talk and be happy, and dont let anyonee everr put you down.

    cuz they dont have a right to.鈥?/a>
    ,diet and exercise, stay with it and you will feel better about yourself. remember its not all bad being a little thick, i prefer them that way, more to hold.
    diet and some yoga will help have to meditate and find your happiness....having a goal in life will give you confidence

    i hope that will help you as it help me

    but the important thing is having self discipline
    You should post your pic

    I want to move from ohio to hawaii. any suggestions? comments? or advice on how to ocomplish this?

    This is my standard answer that I give. There are good things about living in Hawaii and there are some not so good thing about living in in Hawaii.

    Hawaii is expensive. Ninety percent of everything is shipped in this is the main reason it cost more. Gas prices are coming down it is in the nigh three dollar range.

    Hawaii is just as safe as anywhere else maybe safer. We have everything the mainland has except for a few restaurants and stores. The water that surrounds us does not make much of a difference.

    No Daylight Savings Time we never move out clock forward or back.

    We have an excellent bus system on Oahu. If you are willing to take the time then it will cut down on gas costs. You can have car but you might want to take the bus most of the time and use a car only when really needed.

    Hawaii is one of most culturally diverse place in America. We have several cultures here. Hawaiians being the most obvious. We also have a diverse Asian population; Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Thai, Vietnamese (sp?). All these culture differ. And it is best if you learn the differences.

    If you love food Hawaii is one of the best places to be. Due to our many cultures we have many different kinds of food. Try them all.

    Since we have many different cultures in Hawaii there are many set of ';rules'; all of them slightly different. Make an effort to learn. When you make an effort to learn the the differences then you will be accepted.

    There is racism in Hawaii, racism is everywhere. Some of the racism is aimed at Whites. Racism at White is not all that common so you will get Whites saying that all Locals and or Hawaiian are racist. That is not true. The Locals and Hawaiians who are racist toward Whites tend to be racist against other cultures. Racism is not right. But it does exist.

    Not everybody who lives in Hawaii is Hawaiian. To be Hawaiian to must have Hawaiian blood. Or be of Hawaiian ancestry. If you are like me and have lived in Hawaii all their life but have no Hawaiian blood you are considered a Local.

    We also have a dialect of Pidgin Creole English. Or it is called Pidgin for short. This language was created during the plantation days. We had workers from all over Asia and the Pacific they all spoke different languages and the needed a way to communicate. So a new language grew and was created.There a some who hear Pidgin an the equate it with lack of intelligence. Do not do this!

    Then there is what can be called ';Rock Fever'; some people tend to feel trapped because they can't drive anywhere else but Hawaii. There is no way you can drive into another state.

    If you need to fly home to the Mainland then 1) take more time because you have to fly over an ocean first. 2) Will cost more because you have to flyI want to move from ohio to hawaii. any suggestions? comments? or advice on how to ocomplish this?
    We recently purchased a Winter home on the Big Isle. I recommend becoming a member and reading a lot of the post from this site. It is wonderful and has answered a lot of the questions and concerns I had about all of the islands and/or specific ones areas, housing, cost etc.. There is a wealth of information from locals and non-locals about anything you ever wanted to know about the Islands. Moving or visiting.

    I don't even think you have to become a member just to read the post but I know you do if you would like to post and answers questions etc.I want to move from ohio to hawaii. any suggestions? comments? or advice on how to ocomplish this?
    You should do the following first (if you haven't done so):

    1) Visit the island of your choice (or if you don't know yet, plan at least a two week vacation to island hop and spend enough time on each island)

    2) Once you get back home you'll have time to reflect and REALLY confirm if you want to live here or not
    well first off - go to school and get a career before you head over here. i assume u didnt do much schooling considering the way you spelled accomplish. Especially since yahoo answers has a spell checker.