Saturday, July 31, 2010

Guy advice please?? how to get him to like me?

Ok there is this guy named nic and hes in all my classes and we talk sometimes and hes really nice. he playfully hits me sometimes or trips me and stuff then smiles. . but he does that to a couple different girls but he was talking to one of my friends about who he should ask out. . . and its these three girls, and none of them are me. i wanna know how to get him to like me.. i really like him please help, 10 points best answer :)Guy advice please?? how to get him to like me?
He is obviously interested in both you and in asking someone out. Be friendly back and get him to notice you, be playful and if he doesn't get the hint simply ask him!!, you will make his week :-)Guy advice please?? how to get him to like me?
There is no way to make him like you. Either he does or he doesn't. Just stick around him and forge a relationship eventually he will realize that he always liked you deep down... or not. No matter what anyone else says it is the only way to do it without being a slut (and even that depends on who he is). It's a matter of chemistry and finding a way to bring it to the surface. There is some amount of chemistry between everybody in the world. You just have to find it. Good luck, and don't let it get you down. If you get a real friendship going that is a more sure way to give you a chance than anything.
Well, He SHOULD Like You anyways, I'm absolutely sure you're an amazing Person! But, Talk To Him About Things That Interest You Both, Ask Him About Himself, and Eventually Ask Him To hang out with you and a group of friends so that it isn't really awkward. Do Not change yourself to fit what you think he likes, if he doesn't like you as you are, then you are too good for him!
u should try to ignore him at first and that will make him wnat to flirt with you. then csll him over and watch a movie together. Try to get him to kiss you and he will like you for sure
slob the knob

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