Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I need advice on eating right nd how much exercise i need to loose weight?

hi :) am not sure whats available in the markets...but, this is what i did to lose weight... PLEASE DONT TAKE PILLS... pills are nothing but anorectic agents... they make you feel less hungry... there is no way to loose weight fast... though , sauna , steam and massages help slightly... it has to be combined with diet and excercise... pills are very bad in the long run... can lead to impotency and infertility...

i lost 10 kgs in about 5 months time... i am getting married in august and i desperately needed to loose weight... i was 65 kilos when i started... according to my BMI , i was 10kgs + overweight... i stand 5'2.odd and 65 kilos is grossly overweight...

just dieting wont help like i found out in my case... diet + exercise will do the trick...

i'll tell you what i did... it worked for me... hope it works for you too :)

the trick is not to starve but to eat smart :) and stay healthy :)

what you should cut down :

oil , butter , cheese , margarine , mayonisse , sauces (depends , will get back to that a bit later), chips , crisps, nuts , chocolates , sugar , cola, fizz , areated drinks ,ice creams , chocolate , alcohol , cakes and everything else thats hi - cal... you'll need to avoid everything thats sweet , oily and sticky... if you are not sure about what foods to avoid... check the net...loads of info available...

vegetables / meat to avoid :

potatoes - very very important , beetroot (its a root and has concenterated sugar in it) , all kinds of roots basically except carrot... avoid lamb, mutton , pork , beef, and prawns... all these put on weight... eat only lean meats... thats fish and chicken.. avoid eating egg yolk... eat just the egg white...

fruits to avoid :

mangoes , bananas , jackfruit

now that we had a look at what foodstuff is to be avoided...you might be wondering if there is anythig at all that you can eat... thats how i felt... there is loads of stuff you can eat actually :)

here they come :)

fast foods are a big no no... you can order salads and special lo cal foods that are avaailable in most outlets...

its best to eat at home for the period you are dieting and trying to lose weight...after those few months... once you've shed your load...you can get back to your usual lifestyle... of course with some caution...

my diet...


skimmed milk (use skimmmed milk , is low in fat , other typer of milk are higher in fat content) , fruit... i am from India... am not sure where you are from and hence you might not understand certain food types we consume here... but let me tell you something... Indian food is very very oily and very difficult to diet...

and try cereal in the mornings... oats, weetabix... etc... have a good breakfast...alwaays use brown bread... whole wheat brown bread is very good for weight reduction...

for lunch , we are staple rice eaters... rice is bad for fat reduction... but i still took rice because its a habit tht cant be changed... everyone takes rice here... so... rice - one cup - 100gms and lots of veggies cooked in less oil.. and absolutely no coconut and curry with less oil... all in all keep your oil intake to 2 tea spoons everyday... that would be just for seasoning... also using olive oil helps a lot...

then for dinner... compulsarily have wheat... pasta is a good option...but make sure you buy wheat pasta... check before buying... and of course in pasta absolutely no sauces... some varities of sauces are acceptable... as far as they dont have cheese , butter , oil ,mayonisse and fattening substances in general... you can use tomato spicy sauces etc... make sure your sugar intake doesnt cross 2 - 3 spoons per day... (not tablespoons) and no butter and ghee of course... eat a lot of fruits and vegetables... and all kinds of cereal... if you are hungry... eat a fruit... or you can eat stuff like puffed wheat and puffed rice... but no puffed corn... corn products again put on weight...

eat sandwiches as much as possible... i dont know which part of the world you are from and hence cant suggest much for you in terms of recepies...

and combined with dieting... you need to excercise for atleast an hour everyday... you'll see the difference...defenitely... if you think gym is boring... take up dance classes... or run along the beach... if you have one... or skate... or just about any physical activity... brisk walking will also help...

the key is to stay healthy while you diet and lose weight...

drink loads of water...atleast 6 glasses per day... and do a lot of physical activity.... take the stairwy instead of the lift.... and small things like that...

if you have any more queries...mail me... cheers :) and good luck :) its not difficult...you'll get used to it in a few days... and of course the results are fab:) who doesnt want a great looking body...

you can get back to your normal lifestyle once you slim down... after that... its just eating what you like and burning it out the next day with just a little bit of excercise :) also check your weight everyday... its a great way to motivate and monitor your progres :)


personal exp :)I need advice on eating right nd how much exercise i need to loose weight?
You have already got plenty of advice. Mine would only be to tell you to lead a healthy life style.

Drink plenty of water. Brisk walk for half hour. Start with 15 mins. Eat healthy. Reduce sodas or give them up. No sugar in coffee or tea.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables when hungry. Have oats for breakfast . Lean meat if any. Small portions. Skimmed milk. Little oil in cooking. Have SOME almonds and walnuts. Instead of chips and such.

Try Yoga .Pranayam /Om yoga. Helps in all.

Wish you the best. Do not starve yourself.I need advice on eating right nd how much exercise i need to loose weight?
U have to cut back on ur eating

U have to eat breakfast maybe like a banana or an apple

For break u have to have a bottle of water and banna or whatever fruit u like

U have to have a nice healthy meal for lunch like a bake potato, Salade with some kind of meat in it and a bottle of water

whatever sweets u buy look at the caoliers or however u spell it and ur total fat.

U shouldnt have more then 140 claories and 10gs of fat

u soon will see the scale getting lower

Trust me im now 130 lost it all in a year!!

And u will feel great!!

Make sure u play like at least walk a little bit and a jog here and a jog there.

Dont eat everything all at once if it has lots of fat n calories (got it right)

eat a little here

and a little there
if you balance your calories intake (I suggest weight watchers) and exercise at least once a day, limit your portion size.I did weight watchers as it works on a point system, easy too, you buy the little calorie counter book which weight watchers converts to points, for example an apple is worth 1 point, whereas a big mac is worth 17, depending on your weight, depends on how many points you get to eat in a day, I had 18 points a day, go to their website, eat junk in moderation, I like jogging, rollerblading, tennis, swimming, find a sport you enjoy, join the gym, if you lack motivation get a mate to join gym with you, go together, and most of all give it a go, look at the end result a healthier lifestyle and a healthier you!!!

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