Thursday, July 29, 2010

Advice on how to snog? Please no ';it'll come naturally';! :)?

I'm not that kind of person. Maybe some do's and don'ts? lol, i'm too right brained for my own good. Any help? Again, no ';it'll come naturally';'s!Advice on how to snog? Please no ';it'll come naturally';! :)?
Don't use your tongue the first time.Tilt your head and move closer until your lips touch.You have to tilt your head because of your noses getting in the way.Slightly open your mouth.Then it WILL come natrual once you reach that point.Advice on how to snog? Please no ';it'll come naturally';! :)?
I have no idea what that is....hmmmmm

-----------are like apples-------------

--------on trees.The best ones-------

------are at the top of the tree.-----

----The boys dont want to reach----

---for the good ones because they ---

-are afraid of falling and geting hurt

So, they just get the rotten apples

from the ground that aren't as good,

but easy.So apples at the top think

-somethin is wrong with them,when in

--reality, they're amazing. They just

---have to wait for the right boy to---

----- come along, the one who's------

----------- brave enough to----------

-----------------climb all----------

----------------- the way--------

-----------------to the top--------

^^^^^^^^^^^of the tree.^^^^^^^
what does it mean

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