Saturday, July 31, 2010

I need some good advice on how to aproach and talk to a girl i like?

well i work at a store and i am 18. she might be 17. she always comes in with her mom or sister i any help with this?I need some good advice on how to aproach and talk to a girl i like?
Maybeask her if she needs help , Then if she will be a little flirty or say no , Then try to ask for her phone number say i can help you if you give me my numberI need some good advice on how to aproach and talk to a girl i like?
It might be hard if she is always with her mom or sister. I would try to ask her if she needs any help and then strike up a conversation. Just be casual and funny, and maybe if you get on really well ask if you can add her on facebook...That way you can slowly grow a relationship whether it ends up as just friends or turns into something more.
First of all, Do you know her name?

If you don't, this could be problematic. If you do, that's good!

If she comes in your store often, just be polite and help her with what she needs. Don't crowd her. And later on, when she learns your name and you know how old she is, ask for her number and call her once in awhile just to talk. And go from there :P
Best thing you can do is compliment her and then hit her with the old playa line but not as good as I do though. It's always a nice little ice breaker and joke. And if your not comfortable enough to do that just start talking, shut your brain off and don't be nervous let the game flow out and just be yourself and respectful.
well 1st of all if u work in a store that sells Cd's,DVD's ect. like HMV or somat or even a clothes store then simply go up and ask if u can help with anything. Then await to see if she says yes or no just looking but if she says yes then dat a good opening for u to get ur move in .take slow little approaches and then she might hav the guts 2 ask u out but just keep approaching her like i said but do not sound or look 2 pushy.

Hope dis helps

well if you work at a store

be like::

is there anything particular your looking for?

or talk about a special deal thats going on or something.

thennnn, compliment her when you get done and then shell be like thanks! yadah yadah yadah.

you know girls love to talk..

it will jsut happen.

then youll leave for home with a big Grin on your face!
When shes looking at something in the store, ask if she needs any help. and then when she buys something and you serve her, speak to her like is there anything else she wants etc... and maybe make a joke... and SMILE!

good luck :-)
next time she comes in offer he a basket or something or give her some discount on her shopping, n then say something like ';if seen you in here before'; or ';you just cant keep away';. then you could ask her if she wants to go out?
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