Thursday, July 29, 2010

Advice on how to get pregnant...?

Im know this is crappy so save your fingers from the typing telling me what a piece of crap I am..

me and the hubby already have 2 kids and I want a 3rd, he wants to wait but i would rather have them closer question is how would i go about getting pregnant has anyone ever done this before?Advice on how to get pregnant...?
yes, just track your ovulation with an ovulation test kit or monitor and have intercourse during your peak fertile times.Advice on how to get pregnant...?
If you already have two kids, I would hope you know how you got pregnant before.

Seriously... this is a marital issue - stopping your contraception methods or poking holes in his condoms will get you pregnant and get him thinking that a) it's not his, and b) you can't be trusted. Talk to him and tell him how you feel - bring age into it as well. Don't trick him - he'll be upset and you will have broken your trust with him.
unless he's really in tune with your cycle, you should just be able to go off birth control and have sex around your ovulation days (unless you use condoms or a diaphragm - he would probably notice that). does he have really good reasons to wait? if so, i would reconsider. but if you already have two, i don't see what the big deal would be about having another.
try to convince your husband and let him know that you want 3 rd kid so that it wont be uncomfortable to bring them up later.usually when theres lot of age difference btn kids it makes parents to do things which they have done earlier (quite a long time back).if you dont have lot of age diff btn kids then it makes easy to bring them up at the same time.

stopping pills or putting holes to condom means you are cheating your i suggest you to convience him.
stop what ever birth control your on, don't were a condom (duh) im guessing you all ready know this having had 2 all ready bt just putting it up there for other people serching.

as for you if your asking how to get prego with out your hubby knowing then I would sugest poking a hole in a condome or not taking your birth controle. bt why not just explain that you want them closer in age? tricking isn't rite. you know!
Just pretend to get birth control such as an iud, i doubt he would even notice, and then voila your pregnant.

Good luck.
you could listen to this??? Its nice鈥?/a>
I just want to have my first one. I would just have sex every other day and see what happens, your husband should be a very happy man.

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