Saturday, July 31, 2010

Can you give me any advice on how to tell my mom that I'm gay?

tell your mom to come in your room and say your playing sharades and walk into the closet then back out of the closet.Can you give me any advice on how to tell my mom that I'm gay?
Unless you are at least 21 years old I would hold off on the ';coming out party';. I tell you this especially after reading your other questions, you seem to have a lot of questions about sexuality. Please give yourself a chance to grow up.Can you give me any advice on how to tell my mom that I'm gay?
just tell her your door is swinging a different way. lol

shes your mom shes gonna love you no matter what so if its something like this why not be humerous right.
you need to talk to her sit her down and tell her mom I love you and I don't know how you will feel abot this but I need to tell you something. '; i am gay'; I hope that you aren't upset with me and again I love you. Which is why I wanted to be the one to tell you.
Tell her you have a new friend. An Indian girl, goes by the name Minjeeta. She should get the idea
Just come right out and say it. If your mom loves you, she won't care that you are gay. There is no use hesitating, b/c the longer you wait, the harder it is going to be. And don't think about it too much. It is your mothers job to love you no matter what!
Pretty much just sit her down and tell her straight out.

Good luck!
just come out with it.

If u hold back or hesitate it'll only get harder.

Just tell her that u feel ok about it all and ur 100% certain about it.

Hope it helps.

Good luck.
Just tell her at home in privacy. I can almost guarantee you that she suspects already. She may not KNOW for sure, but I am quite certain she has her suspicions. My brother came out to me about 6 years ago. I had long suspected (but not 100% sure). I never saw him ';with'; another guy and he even had a girlfriend or two, but I had a feeling. Trust your Mom, she may be upset at first, but she's your Mom and she'll come around.
It really depends on how your relationship with her is and whether she is generally open-minded on matters of sexuality or whether she is bound up about sexuality.

Now if you have decent relationship and she is open-minded, by all means just come out bluntly. She will be able to handle it and probably already has a general idea anyway.

But if she is bound up or your relationship is rocky, take it more slowly, perhaps leave a bit of literature lying about for her to look at, watch a bit of LOGO with her, then gently broach the subject. If she is shocked or upset give her time to process. Pushing instant acceptance will get her back up.

Either way, don't wait too long. Living in the closet is miserable for you and for your partners. Best to just come out and let the chips fall where they will. I hope things go well for you.
your not gay, being gay is an illusion of the mind. Pray to God!

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