Saturday, July 31, 2010

I'd like to break all ten commandments in a single action. Any advice about how to do this?

Okay, I am thinking you would start your typical “break every commandment in a day” day by:

Praying to the FSM on YA and after a few hours of that you decide to sculpt your image and worship it, but alas you hear something outside… god dammit (for literary purposes) now you have to go investigate, it is Sunday you are home loafing off who would bother you today? It is your Mom and Dad…Jeez. You hop over the fence cause those people are the LAST people you want to see and there is your sexy neighbors wife sunbathing naked. You both decide to indulge in these fantasies you have been harboring for months. You are locked in a passionate embrace when her husband comes home and catches you. You push her away inadvertently knocking her in the head and killing her… what to do? The authorities come and you point the finger squarely at her husband who is carted off to jail.

Hmmmm 8 down 2 more to go,

So, to conclude you move your family into their house because that jerk of a neighbor always had a better yard and you take all the change he left on the dresser.

Life is good!I'd like to break all ten commandments in a single action. Any advice about how to do this?
what a stupid answer I thought u said SINGLE ACTION

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I'd like to break all ten commandments in a single action. Any advice about how to do this?
C'mon over to my den, and I'll show you...
I'm guessing suicide would break the most Commandments.
You just did. Don't you know anything?
I like Lucky Fokker's answer, but it must be a stolen idol, and you must lie about it afterward.
Do as Moses did... just write them on something, and then destroy it with one dramatic crash. If carving them in stone is not an option...

Get a sharpie, write the commandments in a single white dinner plate, put some goggles on and with a single action of your sledge-hammer, your dammed plate and all ten commandments should be broken.
wow what a cool question im going to think and then get back 2 u

Murder your neighbors wife with an idol while swearing at your parents on a Sunday?
Go to your neighbors house on Sunday dressed up like Ba'al.

Bring a clay statue of Ganesh that you made earlier in the day

When his wife answers the door, yell out ';God damn, you look hot, I really want to ';know'; you, like I wanted to ';know'; my mother the %!@%#...

When you get into the house, ';know'; her then grab a candlestick from her table and take her out, leave the house (with the candlestick) and call the police and tell them her husband did it...

How's that
when you break one you break all
Do as Muhammad did, ask WWMD?
Yeah...... Don't!!

but if you must ALL ten commandments are summed up in two

';Love the Lord your God with all your mind, heart, soul and strength; and the second is like it Love your neighbor as yourself'; so I would say do the oppisite. Hate God and hate everone including yourself.

go to yahoo answers

create an account

call it jim darwin

err, wait, this has already been done, so ahh,

Hmm..riding a nuclear weapon into a nunnery, full of orphens, while cheating on your wife with a greedy, lustful male..whos a slob, so hes asleep..that might get most of them
I think you just did. Even by thinking about it.
Get down on your knees on a sunday and say a prayer to a statue of Loki asking him to help you get your neighbors wife and house by declaring your parents incompetent and using their money, finishing the prayer with ';In Jesus' Name, Amen.';
Give yourself to the Lord instead. I can suggest a single action for that.

Bless you
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