Saturday, July 31, 2010

I need so helpful advice on how to get through this???

What do I do when the guy I'm in love with leaves and moves to another state? I can't quit crying and I don't know what to do! Please give me some advice on how to get through this! I would really appreciate it if you would help me out!I need so helpful advice on how to get through this???
If you have his address you can write to him and keep in contact with him. You can even talk to him on the phone if that is possible. Keep yourself as busy as possible so you can think about it as little as possible. Of course, cry until you can't cry anymore. There is nothing wrong with crying. You can email him and still have contact with him in some way so at least you have that. Just get up everyday and do what you have to do and after a while the pain will ease. I am very sorry he moved away.I need so helpful advice on how to get through this???
Thats really tough, and its normal to feel bad and cry because you really cared about him, but you need to do things that keep your mind off him. Start doing things that you used to do before you met him. Movies, dancing, getting together with friends, that kind of stuff. Its okay to miss someone but you shouldn't let it shut down the rest of your life. If you need to chat some more IM me at dan6851@yahoo.
I would go out with friends or do anything you like that will take your mind off it.
You need to get your mind off of him and into a hobby and spend time with friends and family.

That is some of the thi ngs I do when a gal has left me.

Good Luck
Turn Gay!

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