Saturday, July 31, 2010

Can you give me any advice on how to tell my mom that I'm gay?

Just do it. If you know you want to come out to her there really is no strategy, you can do anything from leaving her a note, to sending her an email to just telling her. Not all parents kick their kids out of the house for being gay, she may surprise you and not be bothered or already know. Coming out to parents is always an extremely difficult thing to advise because there really is no specific answer, it depends on the views of the parents, the parenting style of the parent, and the maturity. On average though from what I've heard mothers tend to be easier to come out.Can you give me any advice on how to tell my mom that I'm gay?
I think a lot of it depends on your age and your parents' disposition. If you are quite young and your parents are very conservative, they may react badly and do something extreme (like send you to one of those camps or to a hospital). Or if your parents are a bit more progressive, they might get used to the idea after a bit. Only you know how big of a risk you are taking so you must decide if coming is out is worth the price. It shouldn't be that way but often it is. I hope everything works out well for you.Can you give me any advice on how to tell my mom that I'm gay?
Mom, I'm gay.

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