Saturday, July 31, 2010

Please advice me how to resolve this matter,I have two kids with him and I love him very much,please help us?

My husband is a very nice and loving person,unfortunately we got into argument and start fighting,I become so mad that I say too many bad words for his parents,although it was their fault but still I should have control on my tongue which I lost in madness and the same with my husband he also lost his control and put me in bed and hold my arms in cross around my neck tightly to make me shutup ,and when he leave I said I`ll call police ,he said not to and said he`ll divorce me if I do so,and take the wire out from phone and went to take shower to cool him down,I put the connection again and call 911,and make a police report,but now we are friends again and I am continuously regretting my self for all that,now we might have to go court and they will punish him and this will effect his carrier through out life,please help me in resolving this matter at any cost, he has once save my life while putting his own life in extreme danger,please help us,may God bless you for thisPlease advice me how to resolve this matter,I have two kids with him and I love him very much,please help us?
He held your neck tightly? Like in a choking manner? Unless I am misunderstanding this DOES sound like abuse and he would deserve to be punished. But that is all I have to say on the manner. If it was just like he was holding your arms across your body, agianst your neck, well I am not sure, if it made you feel unsafe at the time then I don't know that i would feel safe int he future. Have you tried to see if you can drop the charges?Please advice me how to resolve this matter,I have two kids with him and I love him very much,please help us?
You know what, you shouldn't have called the police on him to begin with, yo should have thought before you acted, I am COMPLETELY AGAINST women being abused, but, their is a difference between honestly being abused and getting into a spat, you need to decide what to do yourself, either, A. Let them prosecute him, or B. Admit to the court that YOU lied, you need to decide, but I would think that if your relationship really meant anything to you to begin with you wouldn't have called the police on him in the 1st place.
There is nothing you can do at this point. Domestic violence charges are done by the police not the spouse. So you can not drop the charges against him.

You may be able to talk at the hearing and put in a good word for him.
Is there any way to cancel the charges made against him? Talk to him about it and consider going to counseling.
The first thing you should do is try to find out whether he is still interested in you. Try and fix a date again and see how it turns out.

When people are divorced and both of them have become friends again, you got 2 options:

1.) Start from where you two last argued.

2.) Start everything from scratch.

Personally, 2 is a better option. Here, you can not only prevent further arguments because both of you are willing to learn about each other and are willing to start afresh together again. Maybe you date this time can go to a theme park together, since you can bring your children along.

Children are the most important factor for family bonding. They are the one that pulls separated parents together. children need both a Father and a Mother to live healthily and happily. So, if you concerns abut the well-being of the children I guess you should hook up with him again.

Don't lose confidence in yourself. Have faith. Hopefully you guys be a happy family again. =D

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