Thursday, July 29, 2010

Please can i have advice on how to sing in a rock/indie/slightly metal and bit of punk band?

any techniques and stuff that i can develope into my own style. i want it to be original and i am really not very good at singing i can honestly say but i am dedicated and sing from the heart so maybe i can improve.Please can i have advice on how to sing in a rock/indie/slightly metal and bit of punk band?
all i can suggest is listening to a lot of vocalists in those genres. but yeah definitely make sure you develop your own style.Please can i have advice on how to sing in a rock/indie/slightly metal and bit of punk band?
It depends what genre you really are in. In metal, use your darker voice and probably will be screaming at times. In rock and punk, you kind of have to develop your own style...and gotta keep your voice low, but not whispering, and soft.
just make sure that ur voice is not so preachy... or childish. you have to sing it from your stomach and not from nose. it has to be low and strong.. practise it besides a waterfall.. shout at much as u can

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