Saturday, July 31, 2010

Any advice on how to get rid of my EX who doesn't seem to be getting the message?

My Ex and I broke up over a year ago, he has dated women since then but has still tries to hang on to me. He seems to not understand LEAVE ME ALONE. Any advice?Any advice on how to get rid of my EX who doesn't seem to be getting the message?
He will eventually get it as long as you are being to the point and not wishy washy.Any advice on how to get rid of my EX who doesn't seem to be getting the message?
find a new boyfriend and spend alot of time with your new boyfriend so that you ex doesnt have any time to try and hang out with you...dont lead ur ex on though and keep hanging out with him....also dont just go out with any guy make sure u find a guy who u really like....dont use any guy cuz it hurts....
Restraining Order.
oh plz let me know if u get any good answers coz my b/f ex is really doing our heads in (its been 3 yrs get over it!!)

(ignoring them seems to work, for a while anyway lol try that)
Restraining orders usually work pretty well!
tell him straight to his face
just simply tell him that you don't want him by you. and if that doesn't work then get your friends to help you.
tell him to leave you alone and if he doesn't then try a different approach as in saying if you don't leave me alone i will call the police or something
Tell him that you are moving on and let him know not like ';oh still want you to be friends'; Cause they'll that they still have chance of being with you. And also start dating new people.
Ignoring will work for a while. I would make sure that anywhere I went, there was absolutely no chance of him showing up.
get a boyfriend a nice big strong one that'll set his *** straight... if not a resraining order works pretty good
You need to make it VERY clear to him that it is over and he needs to get a life. I had a girlfriend who had this same problem, but I found out that the problem was with her. She didn't make it clear enough to him that she was through with him and never wanted to see him again. I told her straight up that she needs to make this very clear to him first because she doesn't want me to take care of it. She understood and apparently made it very clear to him because she never heard from him again. A smart move on his part.
cant u just dissapear?

change your number and stuff?
get a new boyfriend
next time call the cops and ask them what you could do about it.

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