Saturday, July 31, 2010

Advice on how to hide this from my parents?

My parents are super-super conservative Muslims and they DO NOT ALLOW dating until I am at least 25 and out of college. I'm in high school and have started seeing this wonderful guy. Today he told me he loved me, and I love him as well. I really really don't want to break up with him and he knows that me parents don't know. What do I do?Advice on how to hide this from my parents?
The truth shall set you free! The truth shall set you free! The truth shall set you free! After your grounding is over that is!Advice on how to hide this from my parents?
Okay well since you're still in high school don't get too serious about the whole ';love'; thing. Trust me, you're still very young. If you think this guy is appropriate, then I suggest you introduce him to your parents, and perhaps arrange a dinner for both of your families to meet. Don't tell them he's your boyfriend, just let them know that you would like for them to meet a very good friend. If they like him then show your appreciation and be mature - if they say you can't strictly ';date'; him, be mature and don't whine to prove to them that you can be an adult. You can still hang out with him, but you shouldn't be getting too serious at this age anyways.
Well if he knows, understands and love you. Then you two shouldn't have a problem hiding it. As a mother myself I would be upset if my daughter hide something like that from me. But on the other hand being a daughter myself in a family of all guys and having to hide a lot of relationships in my time. I tell you this Enjoy everyday you have with him as if it was your last... Just in case that day comes and it over bc of him, you or your parents. At least you know in your heart you enjoyed life and everything that it has to offer...
Well i would honor your parents/religion , everytime you see parents saying no you can't fate someone you always end up seeing them getting kicked out of the house or all emotional about it. Either way you won't be able to hide it from them forever, end it now, or tell them straight up and hope for the best
Trust me this isn't going to go to friend did this exact thing a few months ago and her parents are muslims. let me tell you how she's not even allowed outta her house, she has no phone, and she's on a strict as hell schedule. Just tell your parents that you like him and they might understand. DO NOT GO BEHIND THEIR BACKS IT WILL BLOW UP IN YOUR FACE.
Depends on your forms of communication with him... If you text or call him, make sure to delete those messages right away. If you want to see him outside of school, say you're going somewhere with your friends and meet up with him instead.
Once you are 18 you parents have no say in your personal life. I would just not tell anyone that you are dating him, just say you are good friends or something like that.
honor your parents.
Just don't tell your parents

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