Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Im angry, Any advice on how to cool off?

Okay so my friend kept going off on how bad she has it and stuff but shes lieing about half of it. And she doesnt really have it that bad, she says shes barely getting by..Well maybe if you didnt keep buying all that A.E and hollister and stuff you could get by easier! Im getting mad and i cant sleep, I need to sleep and i dont like being mad. What do i do to stop being mad?? Sleeping it off is abviously out of the question.Im angry, Any advice on how to cool off?
I believe saying ';woosaah'; whenever you are especially heated should help you cool down.Im angry, Any advice on how to cool off?
do some physical stuff. or maybe write all you emotions onto a piece of paper and rip it into tiny bits. or if your neigborhood is safe at night, go for a short walk. or if you have a close sibling who isnt sleeping, talk to them

thats all the things i do.
I get on my bed on my knees and punch down on my pillows as hard and fast as I can for 20 seconds and it completely drains me of energy. I feel so exhausted and then I just crash my head in my pillows and relax.
listen to music
do something you love to do.

whenever im angry i always go down to the beach, if its nice weather i'll go for a swim and if not i'll just lie on the sand. sure i look like a lunatic but it makes me feel a whole world better.

so just do something you like to do whether it going into the local park and screaming your head off, listening to music, playing sport even watching t.v. sure you'll have to come back into reality sometime but doing it may have just cleared your head a little so you won't be as frustrated.

hope i've helped you
music is the best medicine when ur out of mood..

and as a long term precaution..i think u shud try makin her watch documentaries of the third world countries.. tat will teach her wat having it bad really means..

good luck and good night sweety..

cheers :)
The first thing you should do when you get worked up is find a quite place where you can be alone and just breathe. In and out. Close your eyes and try to get rid of any thoughts that start coming. Focus on your breathing, your happy place, or whatever else that works. The best way to cool off is to just not think about it and the best way to keep being calm long term is to change your thinking patterns. The problem is not the situation, regardless of what it is, the problem is how you react to that situation. Find a way to rationalize in a more positive manner. Don't personalize things too much because the only person you're hurting is yourself. Let things go. Realize you can't change people, but you can change your reaction to these people. Try to find a peace of mind in things that you enjoy, bring you peace, and everything that comes out of love and from that good place. The more you focus on the positive the less you'll focus on the negative and eventually your anger will subside. Try it. Practice it daily and watch magic happen.
i yell out...


in a funny way

makes me laugh for some reason, mainly bcz of 2 really super funny shows i watch everyday called

'my wife and kids'


'according to jim'

Read something, magazine or book or whatever. I like to sing alot...and most emotions (anger, happiness, sadness) can be pushed out for me by just singing songs about them.
I would try writing down all my feelings - like pretend I'm writing a letter to her that I will never give her....

If that doesn't work - may be try answering some stuff on here, at least that will get your mind off of it.
What I do when I get really mad or upset about something that I feel I can't do anything about is write. I write everything that I feel. Sometimes it is hard to get started but once I figure out where to start the words just start rolling. then when I am done which could be about 10 to 15 pages later, I reread it. Sometimes when I read what I wrote it makes me see the situation in a different way and I mellow out. Sometimes that fact that I took all my anger and energy and wrote it all out makes me feel better. Just try it and see what happens.

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