Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Any advice on how to get my gf back?

I was going out with this girl for nearly 3 years, when 2 days ago she ended it saying she didn`t care about the relationship anymore and that she was bored...yet she still says she loves me, yesterday i spent the day with her though and we watched a film and went to the gym...and had our ';last kiss'; according to her...yet today, we are going out for a couple of hours to have a couple of drinks with some friends, any advice? whatsoever, i want her back so much, its unbearable, i love her =[Any advice on how to get my gf back?
Personally id just except that shes left you and there's not much you can do.

But it sounds like you really love this girl. She said shes bored right? Then do something to woo her! Do something completely spontaneous. Do things that are going to make her heart jump. Little things like sneaking up behind her and kissing her is simple, but will keep her excited.

Instead of taking her for drinks, bring her somewhere exciting.

Because that's the good thing about relationships. When you don't know whats going to happen next.

So today take her outside on her own and say something really nice, but totally out of the blue.Any advice on how to get my gf back?
Be brave and hardhearted STOP going places with her, and she will end up doing 1 of 2 things either (1) completely stop seeing, calling and arranging or trying to arrange things with you and messing with your head OR (2) realise that she DOES love and care about you and can't get along without you and come back.

BUT in order for the above to happen you need to totally avoid her for a couple of weeks and let her know that you still care but cannot handle things the way they are at present with her.

Hope she realises that she misses you.


PS You Gotta Be Really Strong And Do This Or She Will Carry On Like This Till Your Head Is Totally Screwed!
well if you really want her back, then try to surprise her and doing something which isn't 'boring' for her in the relationship and see what she is missing out on. even if it doesn't work, at the end of the day at least its worth a try, you could try and get her back :)

if not, just move on or stay single for a while and start dating again, if she feels like that then is she really the right person to be with?
Wow love really does suck huh?

Well I'm really sorry to hear your heartbroken however as the streets always say

';There's plenty more fish in the sea';

I would recommend not getting back together with her, I know this will hurt, however you have to 'move on'.

Try and spend a little less time with her and go out more with mates! Become more outgoing and im sure that you will find a girl just perfect for you! :D


what she said pretty much says its over...

She doesnt want you back.

And her hanging round with you is'nt going to help you atall...

I think maybe you should just let go..

Coz if you love someone...let them go.

She clearly wants you to.

Myabe when you do let go and feel/act as though you dont need her anymore,

she might just crawl back to you as she will realise u can manage without her.

Good luck hun, i feel so sorry for you coz i know how it feels :(

im going through the exact same thing,

and he's finally starting to miss me.
well if she is bored do things that are more exciting. going to the movies and out to eat all the time can be boring. how about take her to a amusement park? take her somewhere where she wouldnt expect you to take her but make sure she will like it!
Although she probably won't dump you, she definitely wants some things to be different. So I suggest you surprise her, add some ';vida loca'; to your love life ;)
Stop thinking about it, you will drive yourself on the road to madness. My advise is go backpacking around the world for a year.
She is looking for someone else and using you so she doesn't have to do things alone. You will get dropped, so start looking for your heart's sake.
Get a friend for her and tell her i would promise not to do the same again since before you broke up
Spice it up man, a girls loves to be flited with and teased (in a good way) best of luck to you!!!!!
Hot potato dude. Drop her quick! She's totally using you and you know it
How important is this relationship? Okay than you have to give it your all! Sometimes we push people away to see how far it going to really push them away. Fight or flight response. Basically, are you going to hang in there or run.

I know I wanted a man to pursue me and fight for me. Call when you say you going to call. Keep all important dates... meaning holidays and birthday(if it is important to her)! Make sure when it something difficult for her you offer help and it is always done right... Such as car repair, trash, and manly stuff. Anticipate her needs without her having to tell you. Invite her to hang out and do what you would normally do with the guys... such as watching the game... playing pool... or whatever you do that you usually do not include her. Send flower and cards on special days and just because she is who she is! So, if you have neglected her or taken her for granted... Try and be honest and level with her. Try to get her to sit down and talk. Woman need to talk and communicate. We like to discuss every detail. Guys may say 10 words on a subject and a girl may have a good 25 for the same topic. Think about what possible goals that would be comfortable for you and that are easy to obtain. Then set goals with her:

Get her 5 year plan and tell her yours.

Plan a vacation.

Plan an engagement.

Set a date for marriage.

Whatever you decide do... do what you feel is worth it to keep the relationship going. make sure you consult others and listen to their thoughts about her... She may not be the right girl for you and sometimes other can pick on that quicker because they have nothing invested in the relationship. So, get advice from people who are where you want to be in relationship. Surround yourself with couples people who have had longevity. Long term couples may have sound advice and encourage behavior and attitudes they will spark new ideas and help you strengthen your relationship.

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