Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Any advice on how to get pregnant...without stating the obvious :)?

It depends on what you've been trying! I would strongly suggest you read the book, _Taking Charge of Your Fertility_ by Toni Weschler. She has great information, and it might be helpful.

In the meantime, a few suggestions. (Assuming I'm addressing a woman; if not change ';you'; to ';her'; everywhere as appropriate...)

Are you ovulating? Do you know how to take a ';basal body temperature';? You need to take your temperature every morning at approximately the same time before you get out of bed or do *anything*. Take the numbers you get and chart them on graph paper. When your temperature has risen 3-4 tenths of a degree, you have ovulated (and it's probably *too late* to get pregnant this cycle, but if you had sex a day or two before, your chances are excellent).

Are you having sex every day? Every other day? Less frequently than that? If it's been every day, try every other day. And vice versa. If it's less often, you may have missed your most fertile time. Try one of the above for a few months.

If none of the above works *especially* after reading the book, see your doctor.Any advice on how to get pregnant...without stating the obvious :)?
It took my husbadn and i almost a year to convieve our son, so i studied up on how to become pregnant faster.

First, figure out when you are ovualting. This is when you will most likely become pregnant. If you have regualr periods, then it is usually 14 days after the first day of your last period. For example, if you started your period on the 1st of the month, then your day of ovualtion is on the 15th of the month. Have sexual intercoure a few days before, on, and after that day.

If oyu have irregular periods, it can be trivky to determine when you are ovualting. I had irregualr periods, and thats why it took us so long to become pregnant. But, you can buy an Ovulation Test. They cost about $10, and you can buy them almost anywhere that sells pregnancy tests/condoms.etc. I bought mine at Walmart. All you have to di is dip the test strip in your urine, and it will tell when you are ovulating.

Dont have sex all the time. When a man continually ejaculates, his sperm count decreases in volume and strenght. Try and save sexual intercourse for around the time you are ovualting.

After sexual intercourse, keep your legs and hips elevated for at least 30 minutes. This helps the sperm get where it needs to go. Many times, a woman gets up, and the sperm either drips out or is washed away while using the bathroom.

Be health. Taking daily vitamins will help regualte your hormones, making pregnancy easier to accomplish. I recommend taking Estrogen. And what your partner does matters to. Smoking, drinking, etc, can all interfer with how well the sperm work. Have your partner hold off on these things, at least until you become pregnant.

A urine pregnancy test can determine a positive pregnancy 12-15 days after conception. Many say they work before you have even missed a period, but this is only true in woman who create a higher level of the pregnancy hormone, HcG. So, i would recommend waiting until you have at least missed a few days.

A blood pregnancy test can determine a positive pregnancy 6-8 days after conception. These tests are much more reliable and accurate, and only cost about $30.Any advice on how to get pregnant...without stating the obvious :)?
Relax and just enjoy being with your partner and quit trying to get pregnant, a watched pot never boils. Just enjoy the intimacy and bonding time you have as a couple and let nature take its course.
1.beware of when you ovulate (keep track) go to www.mymonthlycycles.com and type in you're first day of you're last period and it will tell you when you will be ovulating for the next three months and you're peak days.

2.Take ovulation tests

3.Take you're temp using a body basal therometer


5.Have sex on you're peak days and while you are ovulating

6.Take folic acid pills or drink orange juice (that is suppost to help)

7.When you do have sex hold you're legs up in the air for 10-15 minutes so the sperm will not come out so quickly. In doing this you will help it along.

8.Don't make sex a job, have fun

9.Tell you're man to wear boxer shorts

10.Have sex on you're peak and ovulations days then after that every other day.

having sex everyday actually decreases you're chances as crazy as that sounds.

A blood test will show you are pregnant seven (7) days after conception.

A home pregnancy test will show you are pregnant five (5) days before a missed period. (but could show a lil sooner)

Good luck!!
Free information here, too much to post it all for you in this space:)

I know this advice may seem a little old fashion, but I found that even in todays world, the easiest way to make sure you are ovulating and when that day in your cycle is---take your basal body tempature first thing in the morning. Chart it and let you body tell you everything you need to know. It will show when you ovulate (if you do) and if you are not pregnant, it will usually show a few days before you are going to start your period. Once you know when you are ovulating, then have sex every other day from around day 10 to 20. If you watch it for a few months and you know you ovulate on day 14 then the next month, have sex on the night of the 13th. They can live in there long enough. Good luck, email if you have questions
Have sex
Purchasing an ovulation kit from your local drugstore can be extremely helpful in conceiving. Other than that, just remember to relax and not to push things, it will probably happen when you dont expect it. Good luck!
When I was trying to get pregnant my midwife said to have relations every other day starting on day 10 to day 20.

Good luck and remember to have fun. Dont stress or make it a chore because that doesnt help matters.
1st) check for ovulation 2nd) Female orgasim after male ejaculation. Position is also key. ';doggie'; is most succsessful.
the best things you can do to help you get pregnant...other than having sex....eliminate as much stress in your life as possible. Leave your work at work. Don't stress each time you're 'trying' and focus on ';this has to be it';, and don't stress yourself out with each period that comes and goes, try to maintain emotional control as much as possible. Stress is a big hindrance.

Also, if you have any excess weight, shedding a few pounds can help because it can alleviate physical stress that your body is enduring, not to mention it will be healthier for you when you do get pregnant.

Those are the two main things I always hear recommended, shed excess weight, and reduce stress.

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