Saturday, July 31, 2010

Evil kids and pets I really need advice here They killed a rabbitt and I want some ideas on how to help them?

I'm a nanny for 4 kids. I love these kids like they are my own, but sometimes I wonder if they aren't evil! Their mom breeds rabits and the girls each have a pet rabbitt they can play with and handle when they want so they don't hold the baby bunnies. Well, last week they took a rabbitt in their room (mom was here not me) while Mom was in shower and proceeded to throw the poor thing aound like it was a stuffed animal. Mom took rabbitt to vet, but it died anyways. Now mom is doing everything she can think of, taking away TV til the end of the year and even taking away toys. I know what the girls did is cruel and wrong and needs punished, but these girls do not respond to any type of punishment. I want to find a way to help them understand that what they did is wrong, but I'm not sure how to. Can anyone give me any sugestions? The kids are 2 1/2, 4, 5 and 8 (The 8 year old didn't particapate in throwing round the rabbitt, but didn't say anything to anyone about it either.) HelpEvil kids and pets I really need advice here They killed a rabbitt and I want some ideas on how to help them?
You could have them all write a story from the perspective of a baby bunny. It could start out something like: I (the bunny) was all snug next to my mom my when.... This should help them with empathy skills.Evil kids and pets I really need advice here They killed a rabbitt and I want some ideas on how to help them?
Seriously This is a bunny one of the cutest most defensless creatures in the world explane to them what they've done its horrible OMG if these were my kids id lock them in a closet for 18 years how could they do something so horrible they need their pets taken away along with tv

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desserts stuffed animal and everything else entertaining but their beds (and make them eat the foods they hate most) They shouldnt have done that but dont punish the 8 year old just tell her that she could've saved its life (they probly wouldnt have listened to her anyway)

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You don't want to know what my first answer to you was, it would have landed you in jail if you had done it.. so not such a good idea.... obviously these monsters that you call kids should never ever ever be allowed anywhere near any animals ever again, first they are much too young to know how to care for animals without adult supervision, and two, they have demonstrated at a very young age that they have no feelings, no morals and no remorse for what they did.. so yes.. they are evil, it's not natural or normal for young children to purposely torture and kill small animals... these kids need serious professional help and so do the parents.
Explain to them as if they were the bunny. How would they feel if they were thrown around and had those things done to them. They need to love all animals as if they were the animal. They do need counseling big time.

They are pretty young and probably didn't understand what they were doing, however it is pretty violent...Thank God you are there to set them straight.

I think your influence whatever you decide to do will have a big impact. There is something that will get their attention, you just haven't found it yet.

I think TV is a bad influence on children. Good luck....
These kids are evil! They need help! If they were males, future serials on your hands...
Wow!!!! These kids really need some counseling..Do the kids help feed and take CARE of the babies..Maybe if they did they may get more respect for them.Start showing them their own baby pictures and tell them what they killed was a baby.. I would be really direct with them at this point.
put kids in cages. give rabbitts free run of house!
Well 2 1/2 4 and 5, that's still a little young to know what happens when you do something like that. They may not know the meaning of death, or what happens. Of course make sure with their mom if its OK if you talk to them about. Some parents feel it should be their job to do this. But to help them understand tell them about what they did and explain what death is. Explain why their actions were bad. Every child when they are young hurts an animal, its not cause they are evil, it just they know better but the don't. I also think there are good reason why the 8 old stayed out of it. Who knows what really happened while mom was in the shower. It hard getting everything out little kids like that. But I would definitely sit down and talk to them, or try to. ( not sure how the attention of these little ones are) Good luck
you should get counseling, you should not be taking care of little kids if you refer to them as evil.
kids shouldnt be left alown with animals in the firs place and the mum should either make sure the kids cant get to the animlas with out an adult or rehome the animlas instead.

sit the kids down and explain why what they did was wrong and yes show them anmal cops, also ask a shelter if you can take the kids down to see some of the worse case animals.

also get the kids cheacked for learning dificulties, as some of these may cause the behaviour your seeing, eg ADHD Attention Deficat Hypactivity Disorder.
Did they show any trace of remorse for what they did?
Harming animals is often the beginning symptoms of a conduct disorder (a general diagnoses describing inappropriate behaviors that lead to harming others). Most kids under the age of 3 or 4 are too young to understand their actions though. I don't know enough about the situation, but most breeders treat their bunnies as a commodity (rather tha a living being). If this is the case, then the children may not view the baby bunnies as living critters that need to be treated with love and compassion. The best way to teach children is through example. Show them how to care for the bunnies in a loving manner and how to treat them with respect. I hope this helps.
Wow!!! This is a serious matter. I think these kids needs full explanation about life. They should learn about how they value their lives. I think parental advisory as the first step is enough. Monitor the children for excessive behaviour. If there are more violence behaviour, you'll need professional consultation.
It sounds like they all need to go to a group counselor because they have not developed caring or empathy for another living creature yet. This doesnt mean their mom is not a good mom- but she will need help with this and cannot do this on her own. Councling is the best before things get even worse
Apologies for the length of my response, but I think there's alot going on here:

My youngest daughter went thru a phase of being rough with our pets at about 4 or 5. She didn't kill any, but she came frightfully close once. I remember going thru a similar phase myself as a child of the same age, again, not to the point of death but certainly beyond the comfort level of the animal. 2 1/2 is a bit young to know the rules about animals but 4-5 is old enough to know you don鈥檛 hit people, so you don't hit animals. Why it's done, I believe, is a control thing. Adults control kids, Kids control animals, big animals control little animals. In your case, there may also be a group dynamic thing going on, whereby things happen in a group that often times won鈥檛 happen with individuals as groups tend to obscure personal responsibility.

With my daughter, I was very harsh with her verbally and I immediately expressed an irate disgust, anger and disappointment with her. I didn't swat her the first time, but I made her explain what had happened. I made her nurse the dog afterwards and I made her apologize to the dog and the family. Afterwards, I watched her like a hawk for about 6 months until she became trustworthy. During that time, I caught her a few times starting to taunt the dog, but when she did and I saw her, I repeated the anger, ridicule, disgust routine with her and I might have swatted her on the *** as well, I can't recall. I also made it a rule that she could not be alone with any animal until she could be trusted. So if I caught her alone, even without evidence of cruelty, I repeated the anger/ridicule bit for disobeying my rule of being alone with the animal. I also used my slightly older son as a watchdog... kids love to tattle on each other and in these matters, I encourage such.

The problem you describe appears to be multi-fold however, a behavioral problem and a disciplinary problem. With respect to discipline, I come from the old school and my kids fear my wrath. I have no issue with this style of parenting, although I know some people nowadays think it's wrong to have your kids fear you. Personally, I know of no other way, when they're young, to get their respect. They don't respect you just because you keep a clean house and a cool head and talk softly to them. My kids are very well behaved and easy to bring in line now because when they got unruly at younger ages; I was very decisive and swift with them. When they get out of line, I was all over them verbally, and in many cases, with a swat on the *** to follow. I moved faster than Superman in some cases, just to scare the hell out of them with the sheer speed at which Dad could cross a room to get in their face... and in their face I got. You don't have to hit a kid to get them to understand that you are a force to be reckoned with.... just move like a rabid wolf when they do something bad and watch how they respond.

As a nanny, your disciplinary options are limited I'm sure, and I don鈥檛 know how much influence on the parents you have, but I would suggest that taking away toys and such is, by itself, not very effective on any kids. Kids know they will get back anything you take away at some point, unless you destroy it. When they get older, they will cut off their noses to spite their faces in a battle of control with you, however, the rabid wolf is not something they can get accustomed to easily. What is needed is that ';inner voice'; telling them that ';if I do this and I get caught, there will be hell to pay';... that same voice that keeps us adults from whacking each other over the heads. With my kids, swift, drastic, dramatic and sometimes physical (swat on the ***) action, done consistently when they are bad, and started at an early age, instills a healthy sense of dread in their minds as to the consequences of doing bad things. If the parents in your situation don't abide by this type of philosophy then perhaps you need some new-age approach, but I have no idea how that stuff works and I can't say I've ever seen it work. I've met plenty of bratty kids who come from ';we don't want our kids to fear us'; households.

As for counseling, I'd say if your attempts to use real discipline fail, counseling is worth a shot, but it wouldnt be my first choice in this situation as I tend to doubt they intended to the kill the animal. If you think they did, then you've got some serious issues there and counseling or no counseling, you need some drastic measures. This is not necessarily the sign of future mass murderers, in fact, it's highly unlikely given the numbers involved. I know many kids who did things like this growing up and they didn't become serial killers.. the problem comes from when there is a joy gained in doing it and no consequence.. in this case, it's not clear they wanted to kill the animal or killed it to satisfy some inner pleasure.. they were kids being stupid.

You know, if you think about it, if the rabbit had razor sharp teeth and snarled like a pit-bull and occasionally put a hurtful bite on the kids, I doubt they would have messed with it... fear is a primal motivator and God or evolution (whichever you believe in) saw fit to make sure that we all possess an ability to be frightened.. I'd say there's a reason for that.
Harming animals is often only the beginning of years of violence and other problems. These kids absolutely need counseling. I'm not kidding, most serial killers started out by killing animals. These kids need to be watched closely, kept away from any and all animals, and taken for some serious counseling. They are all old enough to know better, really. I have a 6 year old, even at the age of 2 she knew better than to do anything like that. The 8 year old especially knew better. Good Luck, I really hope things work out for these kids.
Get them some help now before they turn their anger on to people!!!
This is a major psychological problem and needs professional counseling. However, they do not understand that the animal is alive...many city children don't...get some advice....if left untended, the problem will escalate to brutality towards others.
Sounds like they wanted to know what would happen, curious maybe. My granddaughter likes to throw stuffed animals down the stairs and for me to catch it, but I told her not to do it. Maybe it is just reminding them of a stuffed little animal. A child 2 1/2 may not know, but the other two should know. I think the Mother should do some punishment of some kind, and tell them that they killed God's creature, a living and breathing alive little animal. It is not normal for them to kill like that.
Tell them what they did was wrong,,, Dont worry about the toys you should be worried about taking the rabbits away from them. This is whats wrong with the world today, mom isn't to worried about it she has a nanny. But if mom is not going to do anything i guess that leaves you. Good ole *** whipping would work wonders but you cant do that. They are old enough to know better, tell them they killed it and it will never come back, have a funeral cry, I hope there are no other animals around.
take the kids to the cops i think thats possible...or counselling the cops way is better take em away up to 21 yrs where they can fully have a trial
Suggest to the mother that these kids get some counseling and I mean immediately. This is how serial killers start out killing small animals. What will they do next throw one of their siblings out the window when they get mad jeez please do something and quick.And if their mother refuses to get them help then report her to the authorities. She is neglecting these children's mental health and maybe she needs counseling as well. Good Luck.
kids need alot more help then they are getting!!!

animal killing is the beginning of a terrible life of violent tendencies,'

they really need alot more help.

and keep them away from animals
Keep the rabbit's away from the children, oviously they haven't been taught what cruelty to a living thing mean's. These children need professional counceling. Talk to the Mom, I hope she listen's to you. Cruelty like this will only esculate even to the point of harming people. I wish you and the children the very best of luck.

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