Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ladies - Please give me advice on how to ask my wife for sex without saying ';Do you want to make love';

What are some romantic ways to verbalize this without saying it. My wife says that this not romantic.Ladies - Please give me advice on how to ask my wife for sex without saying ';Do you want to make love';
dont say anything-sit behind her start by rubbing her neck and back -play with her hair-(we love that) give her little kisses all over her neck and ears-think soft and sweet at first and let things progress - a woman has to be mentally seduced before she can be physically seduced-Ladies - Please give me advice on how to ask my wife for sex without saying ';Do you want to make love';
trust me as nice as it is to have my hubby help around the house its no aphrodisiac. you seem like a great guybe creative with her-like you were when you first started dating-remeber that little thrill of just the thought of makign love to her-and sedcue her its easier than you think

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Start with soft kissing. Kiss her neck and shoulders. Kiss her lips softly..................surely you can use your imagination. Most women love to be kissed and touched gently and lovingly. Tell her you love her regularily. Women need to feel loved. That way she will show you the respect you desire from her and be like putty in your hands.
';Can I vacuum for you honey?';

';How about I wash the dishes tonight while you relax with this glass of wine?';

';I got two tickets to (insert name of play, concert, show, etc she's been talking about here), and I've lined up a sitter. Wanna go?';

***Nothing says ';I want you'; like *effort*. ***
Nope, definitely not romantic....try candles, bubble bath, flower petals leading a trail to the bed room, cozy blankets and pillows in front of the fire place with a nice bottle of wine or champagne....come on use your imagination....
don't ask her, just show her
Do you HAVE to verbalise it? I am sure most women would prefer it to happen naturally. I know I would. Just start the process and don't push her so she doesn't feel she has to ';perform';. This always works with me, anyway. I bet if you show her this anwer she will agree with me!
Come home, give her a peck on the neck, rub her back, maybe buy her some flowers. Cuddle on the couch. However, do not, let me repeat this.............DO NOT verbalize wanting sex. We need to feel worthy, lovely, beautiful and romantized. I know, I know!! Sounds so cliche, but no matter what woman is out there, there is none that can say romantic behaviour will get you sex, verbalizing it turns us off. Or rather, turns me off.
No, it's not romantic at's corny %26amp; sorta yucky. Blecch. What you need to say is ';Hey Honey, you wanna get plowed?'; Now, that's sexy!
Why is there a need to verbalize it? If you want her to be in the mood, show her that you want her. Sometimes it's better when you use body language. Words tend to get old after hearing the same thing over and over. Perhaps this is something you might want to try. You could chase each other around, help her cook, dance with her, etc. You should be able to come up with something that you know will turn your wife on. Thank you and good luck.
You shouldn't have to ask. If you start setting the mood early in the day, she'll be wanting YOU that night. Be nice, considerate, helpful, thoughtful, sincere, kind, ect.......

Then all you should have to do is WAIT...
say to her ...I want to make love to you. you're so smell so sexy.... i love you honey...touch her hug her cuddle her ...flirt with her ...rub her back ...her shoulders...go pour her a glass of wine and lead her to a comfy sofa and caress her arms or shoulders and look her in the eyes lovingly and tell her how special she is to you ...and how close you feel to her when you make love to her...draw her a bath....with a candle....see these are sweet somethings that a lot of men DO NOT DO and it means the world to women...and we appreciate this type of makes us feel loved and the picture? hope this helps~
The most romantic way is to not ask at all. If it happens, it happens - if not, then maybe some other time. Whenever you do something with the sole purpose of ';getting sex';, it just isn't that romantic.
Don't verbalize it at all...just go for it...walk up to her and wrap your arms around her, kiss her passionately...if you approach her from behind, kiss her neck and run your hands up and down her front...she'll get the idea.

Words aren't (ex) husband used to ask me ';do you want to have sex?'; which was about as unromantic as it gets...I finally got to where I didn't (want to have sex). The whole experience was as emotionless and passionless as the way he asked me.
';I want you.';

These words, accompanied by the appropriate actions, never fail to make me melt. Being seduced by a man is sooo much sexier than having him request my services or politely asking me if I'd like to make love.

Make her feel beautiful. Make her feel sexy. Let her know how much you desire her, and set the scene with soft lighting and candles or incense so that she'll be relaxed... or else do it somewhere dramatic and unexpected so she'll be turned on by the novelty and fear/excitement of being caught. More importantly, concentrate on giving her pleasure, and she will find it difficult to refuse you.
Tell her you got something for her then show her what it is. Be in charge!
When she is doing the dishes , offer to help . Then massage her sholders, kiss her on the neck.

Watching TV, cuddle up together and just start kissing her and giving her a massage.

If she is taking a shower , join in.

Bring home some flowers for no reason.

Leave a note on the bathroom sink when you leave in the morning telling her you can't wait to be with her that night.

Leave a note in her purse that you are looking forward to a wonderful night together.

Call her a work and tell her you will be waiting at home for her with open arms. Have dinner ready and a good bottle of wine.

How did you treat when you were dating , remember the good old days and what turned her on.
Why don't you start by wrapping your arms around her with a hug, then kiss her and work your way down. If she doesn't stop you then more than likely you are fixing to get lucky.
first start off with a candle light dinner, fix her bath water and clean the house that day play a nice slow music while giving her a body rub. move every pain away from her and ease her mind in to the music lololololol tell me how it go she will get the pic.
All the answers are good. It's so true. I can't stand when my husband says ';Can we make love, ... whatever'; It's so disgusting and I don't want to touch him after that.
Why do you have to say it verbally? Why don't you just let her know that you want it by massaging her, kissing her, or carressing her?

If you have to say it I guess I'd say ';Can I make love to you?';
Sometimes just driving off to a secluded area pack a picnic basket with wine coolers (women love those)
Dear one, Perhaps God is the answer to the desires of your heart. The rest will follow when you know Him.

The prayer of St. Francis says it best............

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

where there is sadness, joy;

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;

to be understood as to understand;

to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

“Forgiveness is the fragrance a violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it”
come up behind her, pull her close and start kissing her neck. tell her how much you love/want/need her. put your hands on her hips and pull her close. take it from there. GOOD LUCK!
you can't just come home one night and just expect her t o do it . you have to take time with it . do the dishes so she can relax , sweep the floor do the laundry etc. bring her flowers Candy etc. run her a bath and get in with her don't expect anything to happen just romance her it will happen in its own time but you have to help her relax if she is not relaxed she will not be in the mood and you will not win .
OK set the right tone.candle lights,then soft jazz,walk over to her and kiss her on her neck, lick her earlobe, and please be sensual {don't rush}remember you're making love not haste.
man, just start rubbing her back and her legs. She will quiver with excitement.
First off....never ask. Flirt like you did in highschool. Get behind her when she's washing the dishes and rub her shoulders and then breath deep in her ear......or something like that. It's all about your actions. If you ask----we're always going to say NO cause chances are it wasn't even on our mind if you had to ask.
Why talk at all? Just be loving and affectionate and let one thing lead to another. If she has such specific ideas about what she does and does not want to hear, let her be the one to initiate it for a while. After she sees how rough it can be to always be the one putting themselves out there, maybe she'll lighten up.
Just tell her you really want her. Or look deep into her eyes and tell her you desire her more than anything else in the world, and you won't be satisfied until you have her.
Don't ask.........get close to her, kiss her, ect..

You know what I mean......there's no need for words...
I really don't think you should ask or have to ask for sex!But i think you should remember those little things that your wife loves .You can turn her on without having to ask for sex.Dress that way she loves,were that colonge she loves,or just simplygive her that goosebump backrub.well thats what i think. hope you have sex with your wife soon.

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