Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What's you best advice for a 16 year old that's never had a boyfriend & how to get one?

1. Be yourself. Don't change who you are to try and get a guy, stay true to yourself.

2. Self confidence. Most guys like a girl who is sure of herself.

3. Nothing wrong with trying to look cute. A cute new outfit, or just trying to look good will help boost your confidence.

4. Don't appear to be trying to hard to attract attention. Play it cool and don't be super loud or obnoxious. You can act interested in a guy without going overboard crazy for him to notice you.

5. Play it straight, in otherwords, no game playing.What's you best advice for a 16 year old that's never had a boyfriend %26amp; how to get one?
Be sexy, confident, and yourself. Simple right? Hope this helps!

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