Saturday, July 31, 2010

Advice on how to advance with him cautiously???

i am very confused because i have feelings for this guy and we were never together but we discussed it and were skeptical because of the age difference. he has dated another girl in between then and now we are talking to each other alot. he's helping me with a project that i am doing for work and i don't get to see him often because we are both farmers with hectic schedules. he often makes sexual suggestions that we should get together but he also says and does things that show interest that is not of a sexual nature but i am skeptical of his motives. is he really interested in me and how do i approach the topic?Advice on how to advance with him cautiously???
You know in your case I麓d wait to see what happens. Let him ask you out and give it a chance and see how you feel. Sometimes you just have to give it a try. But let him ask you, let him do the approach and you just follow along. But give the sex a wait because you first want to get to know him well, and feel comfortable with him.

I麓m concerned about that age difference..? But since I don麓t know it, I麓d say try and see how you feel...Advice on how to advance with him cautiously???
talk to him about what you just said.
ask him point blank.

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