Saturday, July 31, 2010

Can someone please give me advice on how to stop being so in love with someone?

I have been in love with this girl for about two years and my feelings are only getting stronger, but not obsessive. I haven't seen her in about twelve months and I've seen other girls I've thought I fell in love with but I realise I love one girl more than.?.?.?. anything. I think she loves me as well? which is even harder for me to stop thinking about her. But I can't love this girl because it would be immoral of me.

Can you help me to stop my feelings?. I am getting to the stage where I don't even have intrest in other girls, even if there beautifull.

I'm loosing intrest in everything. Its like if I can't be with her, I don't want to be anywhere.Can someone please give me advice on how to stop being so in love with someone?
So whats so being immoral about loving her? Is she married? If so, then forget her. Divert your heart and mind to other things that can occupy your time to make you busy. Continue meeting other girls, who knows, you'll meet your match. And one more thing, did you tell her about your feelings? Remember, you want to stop yourself from being inlove with her, then its you and only you that can make this happen. Forget her and move on with your life.Can someone please give me advice on how to stop being so in love with someone?
Think only BAD thoughts about her.
just realize that she's your ex for a reason, which means that it wasn't meant to be and why would it be immoral to love her.. you should tell why :) :) :)

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