Saturday, July 31, 2010

How to be confident?:( i need some advice?

i mean i know this may seem crazy, but im serious. no stupid comments. ok so im a little on the heavier side then all of my friends i hang with, i mean there skinny and im kinda ';thick'; i guess we can call it, i don't feel good about the way i look, im quiet and shy and not outgoing, i wanna change, can anyone help?How to be confident?:( i need some advice?
oh don't worry,i'll try to help you!

ok as of my own expireince i'm very un confident and allways put my self's a really bad habit and i start to feel really bad about my self. but somethings i do sometimes help... what i do is i go right infront of the mirror and pinpoint the good things about me. another thing i do is i think ';who cares what other people think?!'; and try to talk in conversations and really try to be outgoing. i know this will be hard at the begging but over time it should work out. Also you should NEVER compare yourself. NO one is perfect! everyone has there own uniqe look and personality and that's what makes you so beautiful. Another thing is if u are starting to think you are ';thick'; ,maybe some excersie and healthy eating will help. excersing and bieng healthy should make you feel great! One more thing, i know how it feels to be really shy, cause i am one of the shiest people you will meet! it's kept me down for most of my life and it's not a good thing. Try getting some advise from your friends and they should help you with the shy thing.

Hope i could help and good luck!How to be confident?:( i need some advice?
Are you bimbo? If not try to figure out why you are not confident ? Do you lack the knowledge ? Do you know the answers to what most of the time people do talk about? If yes than why worry.Leave your chubby shyness and you will find a marvellous person in yourself,cutting jokes at the right moment,making people laugh, taking care of youngs and elderly.Be light hearted;and try to forgive the person who make snyde remarks about you. And you shall be the cntre of oh yes everything. I would love be near you then.
you have to be happy with who you are.

and good on you for atleast having weight!

im rather, big too..

and ive adjusted to it :]

just talk and be happy, and dont let anyonee everr put you down.

cuz they dont have a right to.鈥?/a>
,diet and exercise, stay with it and you will feel better about yourself. remember its not all bad being a little thick, i prefer them that way, more to hold.
diet and some yoga will help have to meditate and find your happiness....having a goal in life will give you confidence

i hope that will help you as it help me

but the important thing is having self discipline
You should post your pic

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