Saturday, July 31, 2010

How do i find out info to get out of theft charges i need free legal advice?

I owned a business in wi the job was never finished due to winter .They then hired another person in the spring instead of calling me back. without even telling me(even though we had a contract to complete the job with no finish date. now they want to charge me with theft in a business setting as a felony.Even though i have documentation of where every dollar went. The only reason This is still going is because they will not give me credit for any of the work i 've done. Even though the other company said all of the work i had done was good and completed. Please help if you canHow do i find out info to get out of theft charges i need free legal advice?
OK, here's free legal advice: get an attorney. Nothing anyone can tell you on here with that limited amount of information will help you one iota. You need a face to face with a local attorney.How do i find out info to get out of theft charges i need free legal advice?
If you have a signed contract, get an attorney!
this is going to be narrowed down to the very fine print in the contract. It is going to resort to if there was a breach of contract or not. You say there was no deadline date... But when the weather cleared did you immediately attempt to complete the job? Just make sure you go over the fine print with a fine tooth comb.
Here are two free ways to get out of the theft charge:

1) Confess to a rape and murder. They'll forget all about the theft.

2) Die - like Kenneth Lay just did (or else he disappeared to Rio).
'Stop breaking the law, asshole!!'

- Jim Carey ';Liar Liar';
being you had a contract i would hire a lawyer if you can't afford one contact legal aid
take them to court and sue for what your owed!!! you have the proof

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