Thursday, July 29, 2010

I would like to become a female escort but i would like some advice on how i go about getting into it.?

1. Decide if this is the career you want. It will require commitment and a completely free schedule.

2. Prepare yourself for the high quality customer service your career as an escort will demand. Your goal will be to please and satisfy every customer.

3. Investigate the pros and cons of working independently or for an escort agency. Protection and client screening is not negotiable.

4. Get familiar with other girls in your trade as an escort. Let them know you aren't interested in competition--just friendship.

5. Select where and how you want to advertise your services. Clients have to know you are out there in order to book an appointment.

6. Choose just how much of yourself you want to sell. There are escorts who do not offer sexual favors. Decide which route you want to go.

7. Research never hurts. Ask your client details about the date he has planned for you. Make sure the place is legitimate and that you feel safe there.I would like to become a female escort but i would like some advice on how i go about getting into it.?
I'd start with police publications and work backwards from there. If you call a mama-san or a pimp they won't give you any good information. The police reports will give you an idea of the risks involved. Then I'd probably look for publication by a non-profit dedicated to sex slavery.

If you're still looking to become an escort, I'd use the yellow pages and try to set up very, VERY public meetings with the agency. You can probably find a sex worker forum online if you search hard enough too and ask the pros.I would like to become a female escort but i would like some advice on how i go about getting into it.?
I just checked your 360 profile and, no offense, but men will not pay money to hang out with you.

Sorry sugar.
lots of todays newspapers will have adverts in them
you shouldn't do this kind of work get something that so much then that.
Blimey you hit hard times or what?? or maybe your winding everybody up here???

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