Thursday, July 29, 2010

I need some advices on how to study for a test?

I'm a senior in high school and I need to pass this math test in order to graduate. I took it three times and even though my grade is getting higher each time (my highest score was 296 and the passing score is 304) I only have 2 more tries left.

Can anyone get me advice on some good studying skills that will hopefully help me out on the test?I need some advices on how to study for a test?
i'm a freshman and i currently take a class that literally teaches how to study for and take tests in college. it is literally a college prep class, and we have discussions over your exact question almost every tuesday and friday. so here's what you can do


-when taking the test, take out scratch paper and right the problems down, or ask the teacher for a practice test or find the hardest problems in your test book(the ones with the answers in the back of it) and do all of the and test yourself on the criteria

2) notes

-if you took notes over the test in question, then study those notes

rewrite them, read them over, recite them basically do the things your teachers tell you

3) create your own test

- you know what's on the test already as you said so take the basic ideas of the questions and test and turn it up a notch and then answer them, give to your teacher to check, or use a calculator and see if you got it right

4)memorize formulas

-flashcards, recitation etc. whatever it takes to get things locked in your brain


-when your taking the test, if you have scratch paper or paper at all(the test, answer sheet what ever) use the margins(the side and top of the paper where all the empty space is) and write down notes and the formulas and everything that you need to remember because then it ';declutters'; your brain because then in the middle of the test, if you forget the formula for the volume of something, you can just flip back and look and the stuff you wrote down and no it's not cheating becasue it's your notes that you wrote down from your memory and you didn't look and try to find the answer it's kind of like a word bank, if you will.


-when you are actually studying and if you listen to music, your brain gets used to the fact that it can on;y remember things and learn things whenever music is playing so when you sit front of the test and it's dead silent, your brain is asking where is the music becasue it needs it to be able to remember all the information

7) review!

-the best time to review is right before you go to sleep because then it is fresh in your head and then you literally sleep on it

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