Saturday, July 31, 2010

My mom doesnt seem to like my boyfriend any advice about how to make her like him?

Good question- but more details would help.

Are you under 18? If so... your mom is very likely just trying to protect you. She's your mother, and that's her job. Heck, your mom will try to protect you no matter what your age is. She'll always want the best for you, no matter what. That's a large part of what 'love' is about. believe that.

And how much can she actually trust you... or... him? Remember, to her, he is a total stranger. And any stranger can be scary to a parent. And the younger that you are... the more your mom will worry about you. She cares... and that caring is deep.

But can you actually 'make her' like him? Likely... not. One of the hardest things in this world to change... is a parent's mind.

And I wanna tell you something, some advice that young people I give it to... seldom if ever take... which is sad. IF... or

when you want to present a boyfriend to your parent(s), you must convince that boyfriend to try very hard to make a good impression. Boys rarely if ever do that, or even try to make the effort. Does your b/f dress like a 'player' or a 'gangsta'? If so... change that for when he meets you mom. Put his butt into some decent clothes that won't give your mom a bad impression. And tell him to be cordial and polite. So many young men these days have positively terrible manners. Ick. Bad news, that. The point is... you have to preen and prune and fluff-up your b/f to impress your parent(s), but... girls fail to do that. It's your fault... and his, if he's allowd to make a bad impression. You both are to blame.

Some things cannot be changed, though, to make your b/f 'look' better. Some parents have issues about race, nationality, politics, religion, and things like that, which cannot be changed with good manners or a change of clothed and combed hair. Some prejudices... run deep, and are unchangeable. That's just a fact of life.

Hope this helps :-)

~ Jonathan RichMy mom doesnt seem to like my boyfriend any advice about how to make her like him?
You're quite welcome :-)

~ Jon

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My mom doesnt seem to like my boyfriend any advice about how to make her like him?
I had a gf who's Mother didn't like boys. She was over protective of her daughter ,so I would compliment her. I would tell her that she is a good cook and I would tell her how nice her hair looks etc. Have your boyfriend butter her up. It works..Help her out when she needs it too.
When I was in high school my mom hated my boyfriend and there was not a single thing I could do about it. I had dated him for four years and over time she just grew to not liking him. I asked her if I could bring him over for dinner and just to hang out in order to see if I could coax her into liking him and she agreed. She began to like him but then he ended up breaking my heart. Although I don't regret that he did.. you always hate when your mother is right. Now I am in the perfect relationship and happier than I could have ever wished for. If your mom has a legitimate reason for not liking him, I would really look into that.
All I can say is good luck with that. My mom doesn't like my husband and we've been married for 12 years.
well you can never make anyone like somone.......u have do it yourself............he should just put his best foot forward....when his around her......but what is most important is how he treats you and the way you speak of him. if you talk sh*t about him all the time why would she like him.ur un-happy. so really take alook at him and your reletionship.......and see what she sees
Do you really want a boyfriend your Mom likes?

Every girl i date that her Mom likes me...thats like the death-bullet of that relationship or something.

Women like the drama. No two ways about it.
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