Thursday, July 29, 2010

Any advice of how to ask a girl out??

I want to ask this girl out and i like her but i do not know how.please help me .Any advice of how to ask a girl out??
Act extremely sad right in front of her and when/if she comes up to ask you what's wrong say ';My uncle died. His last wish was for you to go out with me. Will you?';Any advice of how to ask a girl out??
face to face... dont write a note and dont have somebody else ask for you
sorry to be the one to break it to you, but if someone need to tell you how to ask a girl out then baby you don't even need her or any other girl you sound like a big mama's boy
You have to have alot of courage. You have to show her you aren't afraid and don't stutter. Say to her clearly and simple, Do you want to go out sometime? or I was hoping that if you're not busy today can we go out some time? Good luck :)
Girls like it if you just come out and say it like it is. Dont try and start with a subject. Just walk up and say ';any chance you would like to hang out sometime?'; It works for me.
Start with a group date if she doesn't really know you well. Ask her to the movies and say a couple of your friends and dates are going as well.

Good luck.
Find out what she likes to do and ask her out. It is easier said than done, but you have to give it a shot.
ask out for coffee or for a movie
Give her a card and introduce yourself with your contact details in it.
well my bf asked me out this way..and i said yes of course lol it was so cute. we were talking on the computer and we both have myspace and hes like you should change your relationship status. and i'm like to what? and he said to in a relationship with me lol. it was so cute though.
Hey[insert her name here], I'm thinking of going to the movies tonight....i was hoping i could get you to come along.....?

use complete sentences. dont b nervous. and most of all dont speack jibberish and dont look like an idiot
Ouch, Phil, sounds like that one was lethal!

Anyway, I'm a simple person, don't like run-arounds or the like. Straight %26amp; to the point. Spit it out, plain %26amp; simple. A simple ';Would you like to go out?'; or ';Wanna go see a movie Friday night?'; Well, that's what would work on me - if it's someone I'm attracted to, or wouldn't mind getting to know better.

Unless you're a dramatic kind of person, just be yourself and ask straight out. You can't be somebody else, so say it/do it in your own words, in your own way. You try to imitate someone else, you only end up looking silly, a definite turn-off.
hm.. a lot of times corny does the trick. get flowers but don't do a ';roses are red..'; kind of poem thing. just ask in person and give her the flowers. and make the flowers simple. like either a simple rose or a bunch of different flowers.. :) corny works.
girls like it when you just come out and say thing do that....... the worst she can do is say no..... y live life wondering what it would be like going out with her when you can?...... you could die next week and if you dont ask her out now... will you ever? she might feel the same way about you.... live life to the fullest my friend
can I take you out to dinner some time? you want to hang out after ______?
First, find out more about her. be a gentleman when you are around her (i.e. holding doors open for her, being polite, ect.)

See if she has msn or myspace, because that can be a great way to talk if you are afraid to talk in person or if you cant talk in person.

Once you get to know her better, ask her out to lunch and a movie. Make sure you are paying. If she likes you, she will say yes. If she dosent, then just move on

I hope that helped.
go up to her, ask to talk to her alone (or if you feel comfortable you can do it when shes with her friends) and tell her that you like her and say ';would you go out with me sometime?';

trust me, girls like it when guys are honest about this kind of stuff.
heyza chickie!!! you is 1 stone cold fox!!!

then duck so you don't get hit
sing for her.

then tell her how you feel. then bow chika bow wow!!!
well start talkin to her alot and flirting if she flirts back and laughs at w/e stupid thing u say i probablly means she liks u lol n then u ask her on a date if everythin goes well u ask her out good luck :)
It's doesn't matter how you do it a long as it sweet.


Write a poem asking her out

Send a friend if you to shy

Or just be a man and go up to her if she say no the you know that it wasn't meant to be Good Luck
Dont listen to phil, hes just gay.
Dont do it. A date is like a job interview that lasts 4 hours. Horrible.
Start by learning some of her interests, maybe through others, or her friends. Then, start talking to her casually, and as you feel more comfortable, hint towards going out sometime. Don't come across as pushy, or aggressive, sometimes it takes a few times of hinting to get her to agree, but if you really like her, then it will all be worth it.
hey im a gurl trust me ive been asked out like 457365 times and the best ways to be asked out by a guy depend on the type of guy

if ur like a sweet poem romantic type of guy- send them a letter (i got a lettter from a guy and i will never throw it away it was hte sweetest thing and it wasnt weird and all my friends wished their boyfriends would send them letters)

if ur a jock- just go up to them at lunch and be like hey do u want to go out?

if ur a skater- text them and say : ';wanna go out sometime?';
Start a conversation with her. Talk about good things, like places to eat or places to go have coffee at. Then you catch her off guard with something like ';maybe you and I can have sip on some latte and talk about the weather over there, what's your home phone number?'; If she gives you her number, call her in a couple of days, then you ask her out.

Remember to always ask for the home phone number, because It shows confidence, having her believe that you expect her to give It to you with ease, and you need something ';solid'; to work with. Afterwards, you use some time to make plans for her, when you get time to do that. (This is why you call in a couple of days.) Otherwise you're just spinning your wheels.
it depends.... id have 2 no u %26amp; the girl 2 tell. 1 wayis 2 get her 2 ask u out. walk up, compliment her. walk away. if that doesnt work, %26amp; ur the creative type, well, be creative. write well? write her a poem asking her out %26amp; telling her where 2 meet u when. or just ask.
';Would you like to go out sometime?';


easy as pie
try to go out on a movie or something... or if you are in middle school or something write her a note.

but what will really get you probs is if you are hanging out with her and she's laughing or something. hug her and whisper in her ear if she want's to go out. that is if all the signs are right.
Say,';wanna go out somtime and hang out toghter

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