Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I'm doing an assesed Titration tomorrow... Any advice on how to perform a 'great' titration... Also Do's .....?

And don't..

I.e, FIll burette at eye level.... Wear goggles... Etc etc

ThankssI'm doing an assesed Titration tomorrow... Any advice on how to perform a 'great' titration... Also Do's .....?
measure the reading from the bottom of the miniscus

add as little indicator as possible - the lighter the better

swirl and add the titrant at the same time

do a trial run to get an estimate

when you get near the endpoint, add the titrant drop by dropI'm doing an assesed Titration tomorrow... Any advice on how to perform a 'great' titration... Also Do's .....?
Measure quantities carefully. Make sure the burette and all glassware is clean to start with and ensure the tap turns easily. Then it is all down to doing titration slowly and making sure the flask you are tritrating into is well mixed between additions. Also make sure you read the burette carefully and accurately.with your eye at the level of the meniscus.
NEVER PUT THE BASE IN THE BURETTE! It attacks the glass... You'll be docked serious marks for doing that.

When you're filling the burette using a funnel (I hope :p), place a glass rod in the centre of the funnel and pour the acid down along the glass rod into the funnel. It looks quite cool and is an easy way to be boosted up a few marks.

Make sure your swirling technique is correct. While the acid is being added to the base in the conical flask (or whatever you're using), make sure to swirl the flask as its being added to allow the colour change to come through as early as possible. To swirl properly, hold the neck between your thumb and index finger, supported by your middle finger, and let your wrist do the rest! (Trust me, you get more marks than you'd think from this technique)

Good luck with your chem!
Be SO careful like it's so easy to put in way too much titrant. So just be patient with the stop cock

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