Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I'm in a dead end marriage. Any advice on how to end it?

We have only been married since August, but it feels like 50 years. Dude has serious issues. He's starting to get violent as well, and verbally abusive. I want to let go, but I'm scared. Of what, I'm not sure. Any advice on how to be strong and just end this?I'm in a dead end marriage. Any advice on how to end it?
Initially I would say take a romantic weekend trip or spice up the bedroom BUT after living with an emotionally and verbally abusive man for `12 years I feel your pain. If he would concider counceling than theres some hope because that show he is at least eilling to try to work on your marriage. If hes going thru a really bad patch at work or financially, try being supportive and giving it some time. aMy gut though is to tell you if he ever gets physical abusive NEVER under NO circumstance give him a 2nd chance. That is his nature and he wants to control you. Being scared of your hsband is not a real marriage. He may say you drove him to it or he couldnt control himself but any man who loves you would blow off steam at the gym and come home to talk it out, not smack you around to feel more manly. Leave his *** before you forget who you really areandstart feeling needy on his unappreciative, mean ***.I'm in a dead end marriage. Any advice on how to end it?
Well if he's physically abusive, get out of the house now, not even kidding, dont even finish reading this. Then go stay with a friend, and get the divorce, if it's not physically abusive, what is the verbal abuse, why are you fighting, try to work things out if you can, but again, if it's physical, i dont know why you read till the end of this sentence.
i think you are probably scared of the change from married life to single life. that happens to a lot of women. but if you haven't been married very long, it shouldn't be too terribly hard to make the adjustment. everyone, even the ones who desperately know they need to divorce, feel a sense of failure. you will also adjust to that and recover from it. but now is the time. do not wait for more and even worse things to happen to you. i will not go into the possible repercussions of that because there have been many very good answers concerning that. but you really need to get out if the violence has started. it won't get better, only worse. good luck to you.
The issues will not go away! If anything, they will get worse!

If he is violent now, get out! NOW!

Talk to your family... let them know.

If you wait, your only stealing happiness from yourself.

Sweetie, you only live once! and your dead along time! I don't want to sound gross, but it is true.

If things are really getting that bad, and he is really disrespecting you like this, GET out, don't look back! don't get right back into another relationship...

Life is simple, we make it hard! If it is red, it will always be red. I*f it is a duck, it will always be a duck.

You know?

good luck,

Document everything that is happening. Hire yourself a lawyer especially if there are children involved. Tell your family/close friends of your plans so that they can be around to support you or to rescue if he gets out of control. Just leave. Abuse, physical or verbal, is a losing battle...it will continue to happen, won't ever get better no matter how much he cries and says he will......be glad that it's only been since August and not been 30 years wasted.
well I've previously been in one similar to this, i was thorn between love and hate.Basically i've love him with all my heart and was tryin to save my marriage,but after he became verbally abusive and was starting to get voilent, it was hard to let go.But i've made up my mind to just leave my wedding ring on the dresser and took my important papers and just walked out of the door,not having a second taught what's gona happen next.Well he had someone else while he had me,that was really the act up about with him.By god grace he file a divorce which i gave him free of charge just to leave me alone,well i must say i did not make a bad choice after all.We both move on with our lives and i am living much happier now than previous.Now i heard rumors that he wants me back and wishes to see me.I always say to my self what goes around comes around.So sweety you r the one have to make up your mind,cause once u leave is no turning back,if u leave n then goes back ,it will gets worse and if u left without turning back u have to battle your way to the out come.Remember its your choice,you will not be alone in this, the lord gona be with you.Good luck.
If you think he is going to be violent, make sure you clear your things out while he is not at home and make sure you have at least one person there with you (someone he would not get voilent towards). Go somewhere he can not find you and get a lawyer... ASAP. Make sure you are never alone. You do not know how far he will go if he is voilent in any way and is facing losing you. Be careful.
While he is out some where for a week or whatever, Email him saying your leaving, file a divorce, and get out of that house!

That is what my mom did with my dad.
I would go get councelling and tell your counceller this.

I wouldn't try to end it but is he is violent that kida changes things a bit.

Hope this helps!

Get divorce papers filed.

Simple as that.

And if needed, get a restraining order on him.

Sorry to hear that...

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