Saturday, July 31, 2010

I need some good advice about how to break up with a guy that never calls me but means a lot ot me??

i have a bf that never calls me but i still care about him. some times i think he is cheeting on me but i dont know and i can never talk to him bc he never answers when i call him. i dont know what to do. so please help me.I need some good advice about how to break up with a guy that never calls me but means a lot ot me??
Find another guy and then break up with the other guy that you r talking aboutI need some good advice about how to break up with a guy that never calls me but means a lot ot me??
Well he definitely doesn't show enough interest in you, whether he's cheating on you or not. If your relationship was at all healthy you would be able to talk on the phone to each other whenever you wanted to. Have you ever tried just texting him and being like, 'Hey, whats going on? How come you never answer my calls?' or try to get through to him in another way? I know you care for him, but it sounds like you just need to let this guy go, if he won't even call you, because communication is one of the most important things in a relationship. Just try to get a hold of him a couple more times, if it doesn't work, move on. It's not worth your time! Hope that helps.
Well im sorry to say this but i think its already over between u r and he might of found someone else.

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