Saturday, July 31, 2010

Can someone give me advice on how to approch a girl?

Hello, i recently put up a question n how i should look and act to a girl and got GREAT ANSWERS =) but now i need soem help on how should i approch the girl?Can someone give me advice on how to approch a girl?
im a punk rocker and punk rocker = ladies man lol

nah man just dress urself with confidence i mean just walk to her with a flow

like shes ur prey and if shes alone u could go with soemthing that sounds like this

';yo you look patetic sitting here by urself and i decided to grace u with my company and smile at her friendly';

i mean this is a good line because

1 ur beeing confident

2 ur showing her ure not afraid of her

3 ur making a good impression because she will atke it as a joke because u smiled at her

4 shell think ur the most original guy that ever aproached her

just go a butt into the conversation when shes talking to her friends and go

'; hey girl whats up'; u smile she melts she think ur a bad boy she wants to screw u

so basicaly u have to be bad but still friendly its tricky but girls liek it somehow


good luckCan someone give me advice on how to approch a girl?
Don't Plan. Ever. Just Walk Up, Be Charming, Tell Her You Noticed Her, Or That You Like Her Style. If She's Obviously Not Into You, Move On To The Next. In A Bar, Just Buy The Girl A Drink. It's Very Simple To Do That... Just Say, Let Me Get You A Drink... Done. It's All About Charm And Confidence, Get In The Mood That Makes You Think That Even If She Hates You, You Don't Care. Because One Turn Down Shouldn't Be A Shut Down, It Should Be Her Loss. On To The Next One. Don't Lie, Let Her Talk, Even If You Know Nothing About What She's Saying, Be Interested. And Always Offer Things, Get Her A Drink, Light Her Smoke, Stand Up When She Stands Up, Open Doors, Take Your Hat Off If You're Wearing One, And Always If At A Bar, Tip Well In Front Of Her. Respect Is Key. Just Go And Do It, Be Yourself And Have Fun!
k you shouldn't be shy at all, at least try to look good, and you should LOOK confident
be yourself walk up to her say hi ask her interest listen to her give her space and if she give u her number and she said call me for goodness sake call her the next day don't think she need to wait CALL HER!!!
Okay, first....You walk up to here, and you say Hey, hi, hello...

Very confidently....okay, then you ask her if she's busy...if she says no....den you do your thang...okay?
take a shower.
well 2 ways to do it...

1. beat around the bush:

start waving or saying ';hi';. eventually striking a conversation, maybe she'll like you and can evolve from there. BUT THE KEY is to get her to notice you... don't get in her face, but let her know you're alive! Eventually, a movie/diner date can come out of this.


2. Be bold and just ';do it';:

if you're confident enough, walk right up to her (not aggressive, just a slow, normal walk). Tell her you just noticed her and think she's interesting. Tell her your name if she don't know it yet. Be suave, make an impression, but don't be overly forceful. Be sweet and if you last more than a few minutes talking, tell her you have to go (making her want more and you don't look desperate for a conversation), but would like to give her your phone number so you can pick up where you left off (wink if your bold :) ) and maybe could have hers. If she don't give it to you right off, don't be discouraged, she may feel she don't know you well enough to just give it out to anyone. So meet again in the same place, or offer her diner/coffee/anything- on you- later. tell her it's ';your treat';.
First you have to know if a girl is interested.. If she seems interested and you feel she is approachable, then go up and introduce yourself (if you don't know her) and ask if she would consider going out with you to a movie or just somewhere for a bit to eat. All she can say is no. But, then again, she might say yes.
first walk by her a smile at the begining of the day and at the end go up and talk a little, jsut a little, then the next day go up to her a little more othen so she gets the feeling of you
Be confident and just go up to her introduce yourself (if you haven't already met) and start a casual conversation ask her how her day was? what are her hobbies? etc. get to know her.

hope that helped good luck!
Be Confident,Walk up to her and say hello.

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