Saturday, July 31, 2010

Im not good at talking to girls and i need to get some advice on how to meet ppl?

I know talking to girls and people in general sounds intimidating but you have to get over this fear. Before you start talking to someone, take deep breaths and tell yourself you can do this. No one is going to rip your head off okay? Think of a conversation starter, compliment her eyes.. beauty.. talk about how lame your science teacher was being. There's so many things you can talk about but it's up to you to choose.

Girls are scary, I know. The best way to approach them is to show them them your smile and total eye contact. That way, they'll feel good and keep the conversation going. Always maintain contact with the eyes, NO WHERE ELSE :P

To meet people in general is to find common ground with them, and converstate! That's the only way to.

I hope you find the courage to talk to girls, good luck!Im not good at talking to girls and i need to get some advice on how to meet ppl?
Just be yourself, take a deep breath, be confident. Just keep trying, you'll get better at it.Im not good at talking to girls and i need to get some advice on how to meet ppl?
i am going to assume you are 13 or so. Just be yourself.
Well that was an oxy moron
go into a chat site or email some girls may be easier then talkin to them face to face, n then when u got enough confidence then talk to girls face to face.

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