Thursday, July 29, 2010

Please advice me how to resolve this matter,I have two kids with him and I love him very much,please help us?

My husband is a very nice and loving person,unfortunately we got into argument and start fighting,I become so mad that I say too many bad words for his parents,although it was their fault but still I should have control on my tongue which I lost in madness and the same with my husband he also lost his control and put me in bed and hold my arms in cross around my neck tightly to make me shutup ,and when he leave I said I`ll call police ,he said not to and said he`ll divorce me if I do so,and take the wire out from phone and went to take shower to cool him down,I put the connection again and call 911,and make a police report,but now we are friends again and I am continuously regretting my self for all that,now we might have to go court and they will punish him and this will effect his carrier through out life,please help me in resolving this matter at any cost, he has once save my life while putting his own life in extreme danger,please help us,may God bless you for thisPlease advice me how to resolve this matter,I have two kids with him and I love him very much,please help us?
The damage is done. You made the report, he will now have to deal with the consequences. You did the right thing. No one should ever treat you like that.

Most likely what will happen is that he will have to go to court- (and he'd better go, it will be worse if he doesn't). You probably won't be able to drop the charges because the state you live in will charge him for you. If this was a first offense, he'll probably get a fine and community service, maybe some anger management classes. The court may recommend you both seek marriage counseling. At worst, he may get some jail time. Domestic violence is taken very seriously by the law. You can contact an attorney for advice, but to be honest, they might not be able to do much for you. Good luck.Please advice me how to resolve this matter,I have two kids with him and I love him very much,please help us?
Under the 5th Amendment ';Confrontation Clause'; if you don't show up for Court, they must dismiss the case.
Tell the police that you don't want to press charges.
You guys are picture of dysfunction. First admit that neither of you has no idea how to have a functional relationship. None of the behavior you wrote about is sane, normal or the result of a one time issue. When both of you are in intense conflict you resort to anger, violence and hate as manner dealing witht the issue.

Second go to counseling and do what they say. Not what you think they said, but exactly what they said. You have no idea how to have a functional relationship and asking you families and friends who have supported and generated your dysfunction does no good. Get an expert outsider who is impartial to teach you how to be functional. Agree to stay out of each others way until you learn how to be functional.
Y'all ... this situation might just be bigger than you can cope with!

Once you got the cops involved (by calling 911), you got the District Attorney's office involved. They might be the entity that is pressing a ';domestic violence'; charge. Putting you in bed and holding your arms across your neck to ';make you shut up'; will not work in his favor (do we mean choking you?)

Talk to a lawyer, in person ... not on the 'net! Only someone intimately familiar with the laws in your jurisdiction can properly advise you on how to proceed!

Your husband is a ';very nice and loving person'; who ';loses his control';, and puts you on bed holding your arms against your neck .... are you on a first name basis with any of the personnel at your local Emergency Ward?
Go into family counseling
Some of the things you are saying don't make sense, but don't prosecute him. When the court date comes up for all this, maybe not just show up.
Get yourself an attorney and a counselor.
get some counseling when he returns from jail.

get a free consultation from an attny.
First talk to your family , Second Listen... they have been watching for years. A ';nice man'; wouldn't restrain you or eliminate your ability to use a phone...and finally, believe in yourself!!
both of you need to be better models of responsible respectable adults for your children. the way you and your husband speak and behave towards each other and his parents is modeling for your children that this sort of behavior is ';normal';

you and your husband need to see a counselor.... as individuals and as a couple. if you love your children as you say...... you will stop damaging them with your behavior!!!!!

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